I'll watch pretty much anything that includes Cibo Matto.
I'll watch pretty much anything that includes Cibo Matto.
I'm not a huge fan of everything Sandberg said, but I think that only someone in her position actually could reach many men. I've also seen a trend of comments about "Lean In" showing up in the Facebook feeds of some women I would never have thought of as feminist-friendly in any way. I'm glad Sandberg used her…
Yes. If you have no health insurance, nothing is covered.
Every kiss will begin with Kay if they make a necklace that IS shaped like the Lochness monster and somebody gives it to me.
I wish we'd all switch over to post-apocolyptic Road Warrior names already. They're way cool. I want to live in a world full of people named T-Rex and Gizmo and Blood Moon
I know. I was literally confused about what the author was saying in multiple parts of this essay. Delay publication by 24 hours and have someone, anyone, read this stuff first!
I agree! The sentiment and encouragement is powerful, so I know I shouldn't have been distracted by the superfluous commas and glaring typos. But I was. Is there not one single proofreader on the Jezebel staff?
This site, generally, could use some highly skilled editors both for its staff writers and its guests. Potent and powerful ideas are getting obscured by spelling and punctuation errors making important articles too hard to get through and comprehend.
This was one of the most poorly written essays Jezebel has ever published. Editing, please!!
I say it's time to define, not for the first time, where a comma goes.
While I appreciate there's a huge range between "poison" and "organic," the Chinese dog treats that are literally killing hundreds of dogs makes me feel a little less foolish about buying my ass-licking dog gluten-free, novel protein, organic dog food.
Amanda Seyfried and her pup are always adorable, but especially so in that photo. I love other dog weirdos :)
Is it weird that I want Amanda Seyfried style pictures of my little dog baby and me? She is mostly blind and 11 and I can't imagine my life without her because she is the best in the world. I can't even imagine life without her. It is so weird going home to her (I am 25 and she has been with my parents since I was 13,…
So many commenters are being so obtuse about this story it is blowing my mind and I find it highly dissapointimg. I understand and support the fight against racism. When i studied abroad in central Greece I actually worked with a non profit that provided education to roma families. Do not accuse me of racism please.
There are two separate cases. That BBC story is about the girl in Dublin; the girl in Greece was found not to be the Roma family's biological daughter.
That's not New York City, it's my office building! And my local lunch spot! And Woodruff Park! And the laundromat on Highland! I love that I can actually tell it's Atlanta.
I was working on the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet once in college, and when my scene partner and I presented in class, our teacher said he didn't believe our chemistry. I went to said scene partner afterwards, saying we should do some more work in rehearsals to enhance said chemistry. When I asked him if he had…
It genuinely delights me to think about how much time and effort people spend on things like this for their pets. What an awesome project/hobby (even if it is a little weird). I bet it was fun to make.
Pitchfork will give this a best new music tag.