Sherrod DeGrippo
Now playing

There are a shocking number of people who went to the Jean-Ralphio School of Making Money the Old Fashioned Way.

Or you could watch both? It doesn't have to be one or the other. This isn't The Highlander.

"The four most overrated things in life are champagne, lobsters, anal sex, and picnics." — Christopher Hitchens.

He forgot life's most important lesson that you need to look no further than your own bedroom poster to learn.

The last chunk of this shit show? Totally ripped off from this:

36. Women are never free.

Let this be a lesson to you kids. THIS is what happens when you start hanging out with that rowdy antiques dealing crowd.

It's Christian Dior Fall 2013 Haute Couture, look 11. It is probably a custom neoprene or other highly technical fabric, since items at this level of craftsmanship don't have a cost limit.

I aggressively HATE fall. It's 50 degrees outside and I am already freezing. Fall is the start of the shit weather season

Anyone know the ratio at Gizmodo?

No Gizmodo? I cry foul.

Oh hey! I see Leon's and 246 in this movie! Any other Atlanta/Decatur people unreasonably excited about this?

Adam Scott/Ben's wife Leslie is now his Stepbrother's father's new wife and his incredibly fucked up Party Down co-worker Jane Lynch is his fake therapist/sounding board and Rob Corrdry's recently discovered son from Scranton is his brother?

I think you meant to include this picture, don't worry! I'm on it!

This is my problem. Henry Cavill has been on my radar so to speak since "I capture the castle". My best friend and I just thought he looked like a Greek God, and have been watching things he's been in since. Now I feel like one of those people who love an indie band that has gone mainstream and I'm equal parts happy

I was not ready for this photo...ugh, this is his best look, in my humble opinion. Jim for sale? Because I'd totally skip work to place bids on him all day, e'ry day! Dammit, that video of John Krasinski lip syncing to Boyz II Men really did a number on me!


LOVED this book, read it in 7th grade in 1997. I think it was the first mystery-type book I ever read, and I am still 'bout that genre to this day. The funny thing about this book? It would be impossible to set in the present-day, because everyone would just Google everything.

The Westing Game