Sherrod DeGrippo

I wanna hug all of them.

This was LITERALLY me during that whole video.*

Really sad they didn't go with Margaret Cho on this one. She was campaigning hard for this job. Plus, I might have actually wanted to watch The View if they'd hired her. C'est la vie.

VK, I will never stop loving you, no matter how weird you get.

"And believe it or not, there are people (women, even!) who have rape fantasies and enjoy those kinds of films."

In most legit porn, the scenarios are drawn up and agreed upon before shooting begins. It's unlikely that the scenarios in the films you watched actually qualify as rape - more like consensual nonconsent, if anything. And believe it or not, there are people (women, even!) who have rape fantasies and enjoy those kinds

Good to know since I'm moving to that area later in the month. :-)

No. Asking people for money is always tacky.

The Feds are just constitution whores

If he were cast as her P&R on-screen love interest, the Interwebs might explode in an orgasm of joy.

I loved Frosta, she was my favorite!

I can't find the article, but I think she was 36 or something. So yeah, maybe babies, maybe not. But here's the thing—*he's* not going to get married if he doesn't have an apartment. Maybe he's holding out hope until he's 60 or something, I dunno.

Rosamund Pike is the most compelling actress, I just love her. Her voice sounds like a bell. I can't wait until she has an amazing breakthrough role that propels her to the top of the well-respected British actor heap where she belongs. If Michelle Dockery can appear opposite in this fictional film, then I will squee

A thank-you note after you get back from your trip would also be nice. Seeming ungrateful is a good way to never get invited back.

ALL BEAGLES ARE INSANE. It is part of the DNA.

I want to grill hot dogs and play Frisbee with him. Hotness and whatnot aside, he is so endearing and down to earth- I kinda want him to be my bff. (And bf, but that can come later...)

"I'll sell out for cash but I'll still judge you for spending yours"

Appearance-snarking and violence against women are always wrong on Jez... unless the subject is against AA?

And here is K-Will who is supposedly ugly:

There's food at home, Rusty!!