Sherrod DeGrippo

This is from the Puppies Behind Bars website FAQs:

Christina Hendricks. she is a comedienne wanting to burst out of drama.

I haven't seen the movie, but I do wonder if Tamayo's story would have fit organically with the movie Coppola wanted to make. She sounds fascinating, but also like she had a more complicated history going on than some of the other robbers — and it doesn't look as though this is a movie that wants to delve deep into

You know, I wouldn't have guessed this based on the backlash I got for compensating my female employees with gift baskets full of marshmallow fluff and Jolly Ranchers. They're all like, "Jobs are for making money for the FUTURE!"

She is a Southern white woman; you were expecting something different?

Re: Armie Hammer - I'm a feminist but I'm also a submissive. I don't think the two things are mutually exclusive. It's very weird, this idea that getting married means that things have to get vanilla in the bedroom. As long as everyone is consenting, who cares? Also - you're okay with pulling a woman's hair if she's

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I wish she'd just go back to doing soulful country. Remember this? It's actually really good.

I'm not sure I cooked before the fancy mixers and food processors. Like, did I use a KNIFE? And SPOON?

Does anyone else see a young Martha Stewart?

exactly, precisely right.

I think you actually can have mental-health service dogs. I knew of one that provided a buffer for it's owner in crowded places that were more likely to trigger panic attacks (like it would stand between him and other people on the bus to give him some extra space). It was also trained to come lay it's head in his lap

I went to a wedding of two raft guides in Alaska who had a three-legged flower dog in the wedding party (there were other canine guests as well). I only knew one other person there, and had the best time I've ever had at any party I've ever been to. Dog-friendly weddings are the best.

My lab is going to be in the ceremony and whoever doesn't like it can stay home. If you don't love my dog, you don't love me.

Yes! That is such a good idea. Plus, then I have an excuse to put my future-dog in a vest. I mean I know they don't need clothes but they just look so gosh darn cute in them.

Perhaps we need a new category of service dog, so nobody can stop us from bringing our non-judgemental, ever-loving companions everywhere. "He's my emotional support dog! See, he has the little vest to prove it!"

I have bad anxiety and nothing calms me down better than a dog. I'm pretty sure they should be mandatory at all social events.

I can't stop laughing at how angry you are that people are taking care of their dogs.

YES. It's so much easier to be in awkward social situations when you can just go "Oh! A dog!" and it's considered ok to just run off and play with it.

My dog was obviously ecstatic to watch us say our vows.

I'm sure the dogs will judge how good a wedding is by how many pets they're getting!