Sherrod DeGrippo

she's perfect.

Just respond, "I don't know. I don't check."

No, trust me, I'm the one who has been living my life wrong. That is the best name OF ALL TIME and I couldn't remember it. Oh well, at least I remember many hours of fun with Frosta kicking some ass with her cleavage jewel.

Nos. 3 and 4 are the most pervasive and most infuriating. The insecurity among parents — and in my experience it's typically older parents (first around 35-40) — is astounding. Fellow preschool parents nearly shit bricks when we told them we were going public for kindergarten.

I feel, no lie, like a terrible person for not knowing what the name of the blue one was, and she was the only one of them besides She-Ra I had as an action figure. Enlighten me!

Also, while not perfect, if I compare that image to most current girl-oriented doll & tv show lines, it makes me realize how little awesome, adventure-y things there are on the market now for girls. I snap up what little I can here or there for my niece, but man, we had it made with She-Ra & her rebels back then.

YESSSS She-Ra's castle. Best Christmas ever.

Minneapolis can finally marry St.Paul!

At one point I was able to run a perfect race in Double Dash. Not sure how. I just nailed it. It was one of those accomplishments that I could scarcely brag about because few would understand why a 27-year-old man would be so excited about racing around a rainbow on an outdated gaming system.

Now playing

As a gay guy, this is good, hurrah etc. But in all seriousness, Rainbow Road was a death trap. Everyone who drives on this bridge is doomed. On a related matter I also found this:

If I could own that dress I would never wear anything else. I'd just wear that dress everyday, Havisham style.

"Excuse me, Charon, does this ferry seat first class?"

I concur! So cute!

I feel donkeys are often under appreciated when it comes to squeeing.

I think you're on the right track, but I've always been partial to slogans that rhyme. Off the top of my head:

Awww, thank you! I'm very lucky to get to share microbes with him every day! And yes, I'm one of those gross people who kisses their dog on the mouth...

We all have to get our microbes from somewhere...

My dog says you're gross.

Damn, the pic failed... Too big, I guess.

Thankfully, Norman Shumway's cousin went on to bigger and better things...