I don't wear makeup for men or anyone else!
I don't wear makeup for men or anyone else!
They should make an autotune of some of Schmidt's best lines.
I think she's tragic. Her personhood's been robbed from her. She's a secondary character in every major plotline of her own life, and as such she's emblematic of the plight of women pre-feminism. Rebellious or perfectly-behaved, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.
OK, you win. You and your friends had GREAT jobs in high school.
Hella jellin' that you worked at Sanrio. I'm 26 and it's still one of the best stores ever.
I think you should write a screenplay about your mall-working days. It sounds like there could be a lot of great stories there. I can't think of a workplace comedy in the past 10 years that has actually been funny.
OMG you worked at a Hello Kitty store? I'd say that my high school self envies you but frankly that sounds fun to my 30 year old self.
More bedazzled tunics patterned like an antique Parisian suitcase, please! That's what we fat ladies like!
I think this is a great article, but I really disagree with the sentiment that the women on the show are either beautiful or smart and successful. I love Mad Men because the female characters are so well developed. It's constantly brought up that Megan is incredibly talented at everything she does—hell, she won an…
The focus of Mad Men is the men. And although they may be presented as flawed, deeply so, there’s a sort of celebration of their ugliness. The women on the show are largely decoration. This isn’t about their journey, they’re tourists. This is about the men. One man in particular: a psychopath named Don Draper.
Here's what Mad Men is to me: a depiction of our progression as human beings in America in the 60s, with the convergence of Depression area childhoods going on to experience WWII and Korea, merged into all of what in the hell (?!) was going on in the 60s. There's a lot of underdeveloped, un-self actualized stuff in…
Well, since Don's the biggest whore on the show, that's the irony.
Clearly a calculated move, but one that will definitely benefit a lot of families, especially the paternity leave one. I really think so many co-parenting problems spring from men needing to go back to the office right away—it basically establishes parenting as something men "help with" rather than take an active role…
Ha, at first I thought you were talking about people who ship Io9 and Jezebel, and I was like "Yeah... yeah, I could see the two as lesbian lovers, what with all the unresolved sexual tension, trading smoldering glances over the oblivious dudebros that are Jalopnik and Deadspin, or the nerdy heterosexual trio of…
This sort of thing just encourages the IO9/Jezebel shippers.
This is why I will never own a dog or cat that didn't come from a shelter.
I feel the same way about January Jones. Sometimes she hits, sometimes she misses, but you know that Betty would have nailed it every time.
I did what I really should have done to begin with — employed google-fu to answer my own question. But it's not really a satisfying answer: MRA types are just using the red pill/blue pill analogy as a sort of code language to describe people who have/have not "woken up" to the "reality" that men are being…
That's the one aspect of this that I'm not familiar with as well. How does the matrix/red pill stuff fit in to MRA? Anyone wanna provide a tl;dr summary?