Hard tail and drum brakes are scarier that the amount of HP
Hard tail and drum brakes are scarier that the amount of HP
Every time I see that it reads as “Moron Labs” and I giggle a little, because yep
I love the moron labia stickers because it outs the user as an idiot who doesnt understand thier sticker.
Any and all passengers. It’s fine traveling with people on ‘short’ trips (1-3 hours), but when I’m on those long ones (6+ hours), give me solitude and a bunch of music. I just wanna jam out, not converse about whatever bs, and have to make extra, unnecessary (to me) stops
I’m not superstitious. Just a little stitious.
Honestly, that’s my primary concern....
Jesus, that sounds like a fast track to hypothermic shock. They are lucky to be alive, that is the sort of shit that literally [not figuratively] gives people cardiac arrests. I hope the resort is comping their medical bills.
Then get killed by a bus slamming into the gas station where they bought the ticket
“bottom endy” noises.
That would be the NORMAL (default) mode. Recycle bins and trash bins last 2 years tops with these claws of death.
I hate the current Oklahoma plates, look like an ad for Twitter. The previous ones were nice but the religious nuts ruined that for us...
Nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure.
why does the wind blow so hard in Oklahoma? because Texas Sucks.
dude you forgot the best one... the CHILI TAG
I’ve always thought Colorado had a pretty good plate.
Hasn’t this been covered to death here? Since you’re new to the States i guess we can give you a pass. And the answer is, and always will be, New Mexico.
100% Grade A Torch.
Not surprised at all. Hopefully his settlement is enough to keep him comfortable for the rest of his life. Unfortunately it will come out of the city’s funds instead of the PD itself. It would be really satisfying if the cops had to sell off their MRAPs and cut their military cosplay budget to cover this stuff instead…
Dude pleaded guilty.