
I don’t quite understand what you’re saying about the speakers on the Spectre. If they are flanking the keyboard, then wouldn’t they be facing away from you if you’re looking at the screen in tent or tablet mode? Isn’t that sub optimal. The Pavilion x2’s speaker orientation (flanking the screen) actually seems to work

That’s a valid point. You don’t just do swinging big Schwartz around without someone getting hurt.

My understanding is that Mel Brooks still owns the property. He’s 89 but is still quite active. I’m not sure he would be up for directing it but writing and/or producing could be a possibility. I’m not sure he would hand it down to someone.

Please Mel..PLEASE bring us a new Space Balls.

Drink Beer. We have great beer. If you want food, just wait for a food truck to show. I recommend Audacity. However I admit I’m biased. They’re my neighbors.. :)

This is one of the few times I’m thinking Lincoln ‘might’ be on the right track. Yes, we all want to see a RWD performance coupe and sedan. Those vehicles do set the tone for a a brand and create a halo effect but they don’t always bring in the revenue the brand needs to justify its existence. Fixing the bread and

you saved me the time of writing the same thing.

I was going to disagree with you but I can’t. You’re dead on right. Microsoft pushed this a unlimited storage. Customers simply took them up on the deal. This is bait and switch....

I voted far far future but I’d be pretty happy with post Voyager as well. I would be OK with a Capt Worf show but something all new would be better.

Lexus has slowly gotten closer and closer to getting the spindle grill right. This is something I would actually like to own.

DAYUMMMMM! That’s nice.

To the naysayers that are left, I say to you.

A galaxy is a really really really really big place.

You absolutely have to be worried about dust. Even small amounts of lead are harmful to kids.

I’ve used this little trick for decades. It works like a champ.

I’m GenX, an Army Vet, and now a tech consultant. Mat needs to quit his bitchin’ and get back to work. I don’t have time for his bullshit. The universe has been full of bullshit since the big bang and we don’t even know what 90% of that bullshit is. This world has been full of bullshit since before the dinosaurs.

So throw a treadmill under that desk and get walkin’

EMC has a clause in the deal that lets them shop the company out for a better deal within the next 60 days. It is possible for someone else to come along and make a better offer. I’m sure stock holders aren’t to enthused with the whole “tracking stock” deal that gives them non voting shares in VMware.

yup. It would be impossible for HP to do this right now. Perhaps next month after HPE goes live. BTW, EMC does have 60 days to shop themselves around for a better deal.

How long before some group uses this as evidence that homosexuality can be cured? You know some jackwad is going to do exactly that.