
You can fuck right off with that “hot take”

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

I give you the Ford Crown Vinterceptor:

Me too, I bit down hard. Hook, line, sinker, rod, reel, and copy of Angling Times.

I must wonder if the “speedometer” is not a speedometer at all. Perhaps it is some sort of power meter? Amps? Volts? Watts? % throttle?

Differential, or only one driven wheel? At $900, I’m going with only one driven wheel.

Not that I’m arguing for the chase, but running on a failure to yield is a pretty good indicator that something more than a simple failure to yield is afoot. People with something to hide run, people who weren’t paying attention, texting, or are simply lazy don’t.

How about now?

As I scrolled past the picture my mind said “Man that car is kinda ugly!”. If had a nose job were about a foot were lopped off it’d look a hell of a lot better. Please excuse my poor photochop skilz:

I’m thinking that’s why the Tesla’s brakes engaged and it gave off that cloud of tire smoke just as it passed the person. A little late if the person had been in the lane, but perhaps because they were stationary until just before the car got to them it ignored them, just like the truck?

Oh man, crashing into a truck full of hot sauce and having it slosh in your eyes and all over your open wounds (from the crash) would be a most terrible way to die.

I dunno, looking at the after crash photo of the Tesla, it doesn’t look that bad actually. I expected much worse based upon the speed and how much the overturned truck moved after impact in the .gif at the top. I think whatever the sauce the truck was loaded with must’ve absorbed a lot of the impact. What I’m getting

I’d be shocked if the o-ring fixes it. As a temporary “fix”, you might pull the cable from the back of the speedo and see if you can slide the spinny bit out of the sheath, then re-connect the sheath at both ends. That’d stop the leak if it is indeed an Archimedes screw effect, but not if it is a pressure thing.

I shamelessly stole it from youtuber AvE.

Perhaps vanity isn’t the right word. Perhaps self consciousness is better? Don’t want to be the outlier wearing a mask when others aren’t? 

I figured you’d know what you were doing, but wanted to double check.

This covid thing is far from over. Loosening restrictions isn’t because it’s subsiding, but rather because healthcare has now had time to prepare.

and no matter how cherry red we got those ball joints with a torch, they just wouldn’t budge.

I like to point out that in the TV show MASH, which was about the Korean war in the 50's, EVERYONE in the surgery theater wore masks. Why’d they do that when they were operating on injured soldiers, not people sick with a virus? Duh, to protect the injured soldiers from any germs the doctors and nurses may have

I can’t believe I haven’t seen that before, it’s comedy gold!