
Why. in. the. hell. wouldn’t you replace the ball joints and seals BEFORE sticking the axle under the Jeep? The fuck is wrong with you man!?

Plus this: “On Monday, on my way to visit my coworker in North Carolina 

Maybe that is why it is a brick instead of some other shape?

Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone needs to haul 4x8 sheets. Some people like to have a bed where they can carry something dirty or awkward, yet still haul the wife and 2 kids the rest of the time. 

I just pulled one of those apart recently too. Oh. My. God. I kept the three different pumps and the nice silicone tubing, but the rest is going bye-bye. I did find the problem though - cracked lid on the boil pot, so it probably wouldn’t have been fixable even if I hadn’t destroyed it.

I posited something stiffer than al-dente pasta in front of the wheel might help. It needn’t be so stiff so as to cause the car to bounce off, but stiff enough that it absorbs some of the impact and perhaps folds into the wheel, thus preventing it from turning left.

Well if he hadn’t mounted the coolant reservoir up high on the roll cage...

Don’t much care about the Camaro, but I want to take a moment to bitch about the Coca-Cola Freestyle machines. Yeah, not running into this at all lately, but... they suck. What used to be a 10 second fill up per person now takes twice as long as they navigate through the options find their favorite wild

It’s a bachelors degree and no distinction is made. I’d say I’m more into applied, but I’m not working in my degree field. I wouldn’t say I’m using my degree, but I do use a lot of stuff I learned tangentially...

I’m not an automotive engineer, nor even an engineer of any sort, but...

I used a length of solid copper electrical wire with the ends turned into rings with needle nose pliers. I like that it won’t rust when I wash the masks.

Steel price does fluctuate regularly. Your best bet is to either A) find a source of scrap and use what you can find, or B) find a material supplier. It’s a lot cheaper to buy from a steel supplier than from a hardware store or big box store. Steel suppliers will often sell ‘drops’ (off-cuts) for less than ‘virgin’

Go search youtube, there are a bunch. I’ve tried it, but with actual welding rods. Would I do it again? Maybe, if I’m stranded in the wilderness with only 3 car batteries, or after the apocalypse and the wall plug is out of angry pixies. I think that’s about the same opinion most who try it come to. Yeah, it works in

Rule 34.

I’m ashamed to admit you had me all through this:

The number of people here talking about using a navigation app while traversing a known route is quite high. I only use navigation when I don’t know how to get where I’m going. I must be “an old”, it takes how long it takes for me to get from home to work or work to home. I just concede that trying to skirt around

I was thinking more along the lines of using the technique to funnel a target to a specific route/location where they will be robbed/kidnapped/killed. The team of good guys buys 400 phones, sticks 100 each in 4 different cars et-viola, they can create traffic jams which the bad guy’s driver will attempt to avoid, lead

Who leaves their parked car unlocked? Especially if there are valuables such as credit cards and cash inside?

This. I have coworkers who yearly proclaim “I never get a flu shot and have never had it!” That’s great for them, they’ve been lucky. If/when their luck runs out they’ll likely spread it to friends, family, loved ones, and even strangers they come into close contact with BEFORE they feel so ill that they quarantine

I get where you are coming from, but must humbly disagree. Screens could be great, if automakers were to let tech companies design them and open them up to user customization. Think of your smart phone or tablet, then think of the screen in your car. You can’t do shit for customizing the look of the screen in your