Kind of a shame. She used to be really funny back when I was a youngen. Then she got all preachy and yelly.
Kind of a shame. She used to be really funny back when I was a youngen. Then she got all preachy and yelly.
And the ganking.
I’d fuck’im.
He can put a sweater on my home plate any day....
Your son is now 15.
Did Blood Dragon have a season pass? I feel like this is more of a stand-alone expansion like that was.
That Ellie Goulding song is legit. Just own it, girl.
Haha, ya ok.....
Question... if “there can be only one”.... then why are there “new” immortals? How can there only be one if new ones are being added?
How can it be?
More like perception of live-action added to a CG movie. I think that’s where the problem with a lot of people lies.
I agree. Besides the fact that the humans look like they’ve been CGIed themselves, the wardrobe and (CGI) sets look very, I dunno... cosplayish.
Nice arms, bro.
Granted, Skyrim came out in 2011...
Ummm.... yall know he’s gay, right?
young aaron?
I wish I was somebody’s GBFF......
That white boy rap is quite bad. At least he’s pretty to look at.