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I totally get what you mean, and this video was certainly not impressive. Unreal Engine 4’s lighting needs to calm the eff down. But I think a lot of it has to do with the amount of time and artistry that’s put in to it. It’s like that with movies as well. I feel like if this guy can pull off a forest scene like this

Heyooooo, movie nerd here. The Good Dinosaur was supposed to come out last year, but they had a director change midway through development, forcing them to postpone the release until later this year.

Whaaaaaaa? Lacking an encompassing story? Poor developed characters?? Please elaborate. Who do you think the main character was?

Not to mention a horrible battery life. But that screen!! So pretty.

I think Toy Story 3 is overrated. But I may just be saying that cuz I watched it imediately after seeing The Last Airbender, which made me hate movies and life in general. I literally walked out of that steaming shitpile of a movie, up the escalator, and into Toy Story 3.

I kind of agree. It’s neat that you can do all these things, but it’s a little samey. I feel like I would get bored after a couple days.

$28 for a t-shirt? Fuck that.

That sounds horribly inefficient.

They look a little..... shaken up.

Ummmm..... the guy shooting the gun has nice arms.

Tresspasser obvs.

Hey Team!! My dad really loves flashlights, so I thought I’d get him one of those super-powered LED flashlights that I’ve seen on here. But I can’t remember what they’re called or who makes them. Any help?

Hey Team!! My dad really loves flashlights, so I thought I’d get him one of those super-powered LED flashlights that

I'm sorry, but I live in Harlem and the black girls up here have the coolest damned hair I've ever seen. Being literally the whitest boy within a 2 mile radius, I can't not touch your hair. It's impossible. Don't give me that "But you're a total stranger and that's creepy." nonsense.

Disney Infinite: Marvel pack is also $55 at Target until tomorrow. All versions.

Disney Infinite: Marvel pack is also $55 at Target until tomorrow. All versions.

I've heard the PC version is kind of broken, or at least a shitty console port. Can anyone confirm?

I've heard the PC version is kind of broken, or at least a shitty console port. Can anyone confirm?

I'm listening.....

I'm listening.....

The 25% voucher does NOT work for DA:I, but it DOES work for Far Cry 4.

Bullet Sponge: The Game.

I was bored to death by The Raid. Which was disappointing after hearing all the praise it received.