
Oh hey Greg Lopez.

Why are my pants all gooey???

I made a female for my second run of Skyrim, does that count?

Nice arms. I mean... guns. I mean... bulge. Wait, what?

Was Sullivan & Son not Asian enough?

Ughhhhhh I love cider. It's like beer except it doesn't taste like carbonated PISS WATER.

Connor, my boy.... my handsome, handsome boy.... you gotta get room tone and lay it under the track so you don't hear the scene cuts. It's driving me nuts.

Why isn't this on HBO Go??

Whoa! I don't like commenting on other peoples' appearances, but...... he looks like a melted muppet.

She must have the worst diarrhea.

Josh Charles looks like an American version of James McAvoy.

This is why I'm crazy about Canadian curling....

Oh man, I'm feeling some strange things inside. I'm so confused. I've never felt this before!! Hold on, let me check something....

I thought Jay's beard looked super sexy.... but what do I know.

But she did make it home! I think you can assume that they could eventually track her location. The film was more about her metaphorical rebirth as a character (hence squeezing herself out of the capsule, taking her first breath, her first steps, etc.). Personally, I'm glad no one was there to help her or coddle


Yeah, but that guy has a rockin' bod.


It's also interesting that there are characters in the show who HAVE coupled up that didn't work at all (Andy and Anne) and seeing it not work was (almost) just as fun as seeing the sexual tension with Leslie and Ben. But how Andy and April have become MORE likable once their together is both a testament to the

Haha. Except that ONE time. AMIRITE?!?!