
Not to mention a horrible battery life. But that screen!! So pretty.

I think Toy Story 3 is overrated. But I may just be saying that cuz I watched it imediately after seeing The Last Airbender, which made me hate movies and life in general. I literally walked out of that steaming shitpile of a movie, up the escalator, and into Toy Story 3.

I kind of agree. It’s neat that you can do all these things, but it’s a little samey. I feel like I would get bored after a couple days.


$28 for a t-shirt? Fuck that.

That sounds horribly inefficient.

They look a little..... shaken up.

Ummmm..... the guy shooting the gun has nice arms.

Tresspasser obvs.

Not to mention totally hot....

Hey Team!! My dad really loves flashlights, so I thought I’d get him one of those super-powered LED flashlights that I’ve seen on here. But I can’t remember what they’re called or who makes them. Any help?

Hey Team!! My dad really loves flashlights, so I thought I’d get him one of those super-powered LED flashlights that

Not to mention Total Recall, Robocop, Aliens, etc.

It sounds like a trendy pseudo-drug that college kids are into.

You guys..... YOU GUYS. I enjoyed Mad Max. It was fun and entertaining and had great action. But I didn’t come out of the theater thinking, “Holy Crap that was AMAZING!!” In fact, I didn’t really come out feeling anything at all.

I'm sorry, but I live in Harlem and the black girls up here have the coolest damned hair I've ever seen. Being literally the whitest boy within a 2 mile radius, I can't not touch your hair. It's impossible. Don't give me that "But you're a total stranger and that's creepy." nonsense.

Disney Infinite: Marvel pack is also $55 at Target until tomorrow. All versions.

Disney Infinite: Marvel pack is also $55 at Target until tomorrow. All versions.

I've heard the PC version is kind of broken, or at least a shitty console port. Can anyone confirm?

I've heard the PC version is kind of broken, or at least a shitty console port. Can anyone confirm?

I'm listening.....

I'm listening.....

I'm still saying Adam Driver.