Seminal Colon

“.. insult his memory”. Memories are not living things, they can’t be insulted. Most of us are insulted that you seem to care nothing at all for an intelligent, sentient species that is being hunted to extinction.

As I said, elephants are endangered while humans are not. And not just endangered, they’re critically endangered. You act as though human life is sacrosanct - hopefully, that means you oppose the death penalty, are in favor of universal health care, opposed to military strikes, and a pacifist. Otherwise, your

Gotta agree with you: not every human life deserves to be mourned. See: Hitler. But the way I see it this guy’s death is like those who keep reclimbing Mt. Everest. Keep doing it, and you’re gonna freeze to death eventually. Repeated risky behavior has a natural consequence. In this case, the victim also happened to

The value of human life is neither sacrosanct nor a categorical imperative. A shitty person does not have to be mourned just because they are a “human”. Being a human isn’t enough, it’s about the TYPE of human you are.

A human life that - I would remind you - was wealthy and powerful enough to fly around the globe murdering innocent animals for shits and grins. While poor people starve everywhere, and entire families go homeless, this rich man used his vast wealth to kill elephants - an animal just shy of the endangered list -

Yes, we are. Because elephants very existence are threatened, humans is not. He was out to kill them. I prioritize the existence of this that species over this hunter’s life.

He doesn’t get a medal by virtue of being homo sapiens. Ariel Castro is a “goddamn human life,” but I doubt anyone cried when he hung himself.

Play dumb games, win stupid prizes.

fuck him... he killed the elephant.. in my eyes, at least 5 more big game hinters couldhave been crushed by this animal before i even blinked an eye

Mr. Pachyderm and children

One time I broke a table and blamed my brother for it

Single action?

No, it’s not.

Also who TF says “coloreds” except maybe doddering grandparents & Benedict Cumberbatch?

This entire article is some kind of sarcastic write-up, isn’t it?

Is this a parody?

“ At a cost of $6 to $8 per glass of juice, its still cheaper than buying it in a store.”

You’re fucking kidding me right? The all organic deli and healthfood store near me. Noted for its expensive products. Will sell me a 20oz, cold pressed juice for four dollars. Bottled high end fresh juice at the supermarket costs

This juicer is as dumb as individually wrapped fruit