Seminal Colon

It’s easy for a professional to tell from behavioural cues when an elephant isn’t happy with you and you have to back the fuck off. They don’t just attack unprovoked. He knew what he was doing, he wasn’t there to observe, he was there to kill. No sympathy for this garbage human.

Disagreed. Investing in a stupid product for which a lot of idiots will pay a lot of money is smart. Very smart is figuring out exactly when to cash in your shares, before the idiots figure shit out.

Yes. The whole bloody thing is pseudoscientific nonsense.
Intermittent fasting is supposed to be good, scientifically. Everything else is an expensive self-flagellation ritual of the wealthy.

Who else does not care about the show any more? I used to love it. It’s been many years since season 1, the best season. It’s been the same count of years since I read the books. The last season of the show was bad. Slow, boring...this whole disgusting white saviour business with Danaerys needs to stop and who the

I’ve been running unarmed with a legendary power fist for 98% of my 300h+ in F4, it’s easy after you’re a high enough level. Early levels were definitely much harder. I’m level 77 and it’s a piece of cake at very hard with all appropriate perks. I don’t play survival because I don’t enjoy arbitrary ways of making a

Disabled toilet? Only private spot at my gym. Not that I’d fuck in a nasty-ass toilet myself.

I did 2 hours of logic and other intense aptitude tests last week over Skype. My camera was on, the other person’s was not. She turned her mic off while I was doing the exercises in Word and Excel. This actually helped me to tune her out but I hope she didn’t invite anyone else over to take a look.

“You need to look comfortable, but not too comfortable.” Who are these people who are comfortable at job interviews?

Look at how blurry the waterline is. Seems to me that these are regular coloured contacts with whites Photoshopped dark. I don’t have a problem with that, by the way, just pointing it out.

My Castle actually does still get attacked although it has the highest defense of all my settlements and the lowest number of resources (let them starve and sleep in shifts!) It’s not that impressive because the party is usually over very fast - turrets and 26 well-armed NPCs shred everything in seconds.

Charlotte was pathetic, neurotic, marriage-crazy WASP. Surely, you mean Samantha and Miranda?

Settlements with high defense never get attacked. Which is a bummer because it means you cannot test your murder machines and armed-to-the-teeth settlers.

My Preston is wearing a red dress and a sack hood. Actually, all male settlers in Sanctuary wear pretty dresses and sack hoods.

Deathclaws are pussies. Mirelurk Queens are no biggies from a distance and a bit of a challenge unarmed. But the Assaultron Dominator in Quincy is SCARY AS SHIT. It’s an invisible instakiller. I play on very hard - fuck legendary’s regen - and whenever I see that red glow, I run. Deal with Gunners first, then take

No, what she is saying is that she is successful despite not having children. I read it like meaning that a woman can consider herself successful EVEN IF she’s not spawned offspring.

But then they just come back right in. Put them out and then take them out!

There aren’t any translations in the books either, you can usually make out what’s being said by the context or one recognises the words borrowed from other languages. It’s a lot easier to make sense of the speech when it’s on paper, I give you that.

Nah. Amy is real thirsty.

I’ve read four books thus far and I finished the 4th just yesterday. I don’t love them but I’m curious as to what happens. The biggest problem is the characters. They are not well-developed. For the most part they don’t feel much like real people. The Roci crew dynamics are superficial. It’s like a TV show in book

I haven’t had it done but it’s a tricky area. Because the skin under the eyes is thin the danger of visible lumps is higher. You’d want to make sure the doctor knows what they are doing. I have tear troughs as well but honestly, I would not get filler there. I use heavy duty concealer to hide the darkness and they are