
This is, of course, wrong.

I don't mind them rebooting Wrath of Khan, my problem with it was how closely they stuck to the source material. It was like they felt they had to include key scenes and dialogue straight out of the original, or they would be burned alive.

Oh, you mean the one that expressed smug satisfaction at the knowledge that he was so much smarter, stronger and otherwise better than everybody else?

Honestly, speaking as a hetero dude, I'd take cold, detached, sociopathic Cumberbatch as Khan over Cumberbatch as Sherlock any day.

Really? I totally disagree.

How do you manage to make a person going on with their lives and trying to meet and fuck new people about YOU?


I'd wager a lot of young men are uncomfortable, because it's been a long, looooooooooooong time since most of the support groups open to men were EXPLICITLY closed off to women, while the support systems in place for women are overtly and explicitly NO BOYS ALLOWED.

"And, you know, if two candidates are equally qualified, and if a company already employs more men because of decades of not hiring women, why shouldn't the job go to the woman?"

"There is no cognitive content for the term "slut," meaning that there is no one, true meaning. Like, there isn't a set number of men that a woman has to sleep with in order to qualify for the description. It could be one guy—it could even be no guys. There are cases that virgins have been called sluts because they

I'm happy for them.

Well if it's not creepy, it sure seems insecure.

True. But a short life filled with thrills and vast arrays of high-end pussy beats a long life filled with mundanity and a small sampling of mediocre pussy.

Or could it be that women are generally better at taking care of their health throughout life, and that helps slow the cumulative damage and weakening of the body over time?

I'm pretty sure it was meant to be facetious, but it certainly failed at being funny.

Then we disagree. I'd say my previous lovers are none of any woman's goddamn business until I decide I feel strongly enough about her that she deserves the insight.

See, now why in the world should any guy have to go on every date wondering/worrying if some crazy chick dug up that info on him?

When you say 'our innate ability' are you talking about women or humans?

Ok, granted, there is a bit of male privilege in my thinking.

Whether it's men or women doing it, it's freaking creepy.