
Fair enough. I honestly don't think many people would mind if it happened.

Ok, but my point is they're not being 'portrayed' as anything.

True. I'd be fine with it if it happened though.

Oh, more hilarious catchprhases! YAY!


That's a fair, intelligent break-down of the issue.

Fair enough. Force of habit, I guess.

Oh, I know you were genuine. If you were using the term in a self-aware or ironic sense, there would have been no need to mock the term.

But these doors being opened through personal connections have nothing to do with the lack of women in Hollywood, because EVERYBODY (all genders, races, classes, sexuality, etc) in EVERY professional field uses personal connections when available.

LOL, don't worry about it, I only used that phrase cause it's an equally meaningless catchphrase that gets tossed around here with 'mansplain'.

If she doesn't want to defense her assertions, she shouldn't have made them. That's hardly side-tracking, that's merely demanding a modicum of explanation for hilarious statements.

Having friends, connections and skills are forms of privilege that are never going away.

Now now, no need to tone-police me.

Ah, well the scenes you were describing, aren't the strippers essentially just background place-setting? You're not really supposed to be focused on them, unless they're front and center talking to a character, or giving them a lap dance or whatever.

What exactly does 'bro it up' mean?

She sounds like a smart lady.

"and if i see one more fucking indie movie scene where two buds/cops/thugs have a conversation in a strip club with a blowup doll doing splits in the background"

I don't know.

Hey! You! Fat Face!

Isn't it just the standard asymmetric hipster cut you see everywhere these days?