
So let's be clear.

Yeah, nothing like lashing out in jealousy and possessiveness by proxy.

Typically speaking, 'experiments' are conducted in closed environments with protocols in place to ensure safety. By the time you reach an age or education level where you have enough free reign to break those protocols, you typically have enough understanding of the subject matter to know to predict (if only

Wow, is your mother a sociopath or what?

Fucking up a science experiment implies doing something in a science lab, under the supervision of teachers, according to a teaching plan to ensure there's actually a) a point to the fucking experience - ie, learning something and b) nothing unsafe happening.

I think the advantages of the knot that you're implying might be the same advantages they are explicitly marketing...

Fair enough.

Meh, people (of both genders) have long joked that women have no idea what they actually want.

It's his reaction to the article.

Oh, I agree with that.

I think there are a lot of models that work very hard.

I don't disagree. I know there are disadvantages to the system. I just don't think it's a poor system for everybody.

Totally disagree.

Wow. I feel so bad for all these poor people. :(

That's true.

My god, she's stunning.

Of all the utterly harmless, pointless shit to get offended about.

Anybody ever tell you that you have really weird sexual fetishes?

More bitterness. So sad.

I'd like to see where I'm suggesting that. I very clearly said to another commenter that I don't think a woman with the same number of sexual partners as me, or the same ratio of relationships/NSA would be a slut.