
Haha, how am I a 'nice guy'? I've never claimed to be nice?

I admire your multitasking ability. Typing while diddling your skittle must have taken some practice (and an absence of willing men in your life).

Sure thing, hun.

So how would you define that audience? Given that extends across both genders, all ages, all income brackets, etc?

And she still doesn't explain what this 'specific audience' she mentioned in a dismissive tone is.

Hahaha, no, and no. Same exact emotional range as every other movie he makes.

Meh, I'm willing to make assumptions when you're intentionally obtuse. If you ever feel like explaining what that 'specific audience' you mentioned is, go for it.

Ok. What are the other parts beside looks and body?

Ok. So why do you think he's fine if it's not his looks or his body?

Cause humans naturally respond favorably to those with fit bodies and symmetrical faces? It is sort of a form of discrimination but whatever. Same reason dudes love Victoria Secret models.

Really? So you honestly believe that the Three Stooges never punched each other in the face, or performed violence that - in the real world - would lead to equal pain/damage? If so, I suggest you catch up on your Three Stooges... if you can stomach it. I kinda had to stop watching the first time I saw a dude get a

I'm pretty sure this is just a random, hilarious way of pointing out that Ryan Gosling has about as much acting range as Michael Bay has directing range.

Fair enough. If by 'known troll' you mean 'person that does not automatically and unthinkingly buy into every narrative and agenda put forward by authors and other commenters'.

Haha, I'm going through your post history for fun and it seems you have a bit of an obsession. Its cute you think you have the telepathy skills to determine what my offline life is like.

If this is a real medical issue, then I'm glad it's getting attention. And yes, if it helps people who are feeling like shit talk about the fact that they're feeling like shit, all the better.

No. It's been terrible since the first episode. May it be cancelled soon, so that the time-slot be used for more talented people and less shitty product.

You realize slapstick and violence has been a staple of comedy since [at least] the Three Stooges and Looney Toons, right?

I can see why she's afraid of growing old.

Oh honey, hush. Your bitterness is showing, and it's not a good look for you at all.

Did they explain the change? Were the other shows underperforming?