Sean Malloy

Now I’m not a doctor, but I have a cat, so I know a little something about biology. My vet told me this cat would be healthier and happier if I had him neutered, so I did, and goshdarn if he isn’t just the sweetest, most contented little guy now. Mike Pence seems very agitated, and I can’t help thinking, based on my

Any sand flat which currently is a bit above the “beach” elevation, will become a new beach. Of all problems climate change causes, this is just about the least. Sea turtles had survived for over 100 million years, through many sea level rises and falls.

Fucking idiot. Should Ford and Ford Dealerships be liable for drunk driver carnage?

This *has* been done before, but it was very expensive, something which I doubt has changed.

Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs /s.
But in all seriousness, I don’t think the die-hard EV proponents have the stomach for what it’s going to take to meet these ludicrous goals countries keep committing to.  

If you’re a regular Twitter Circles user, you should probably stop posting things you wouldn’t want seen by the wider public.

Just using statcast data would not be enough to control for that. As you pointed out, it mostly shows you launch angle (vertical and horizontal) and exit velocity. Corrections can be made for weather, including wind, but statcast itself has only been around since 2014, so it can’t be helpful on anything from before

Actually the defense can file a motion to dismiss regardless of the other pending motions. Citing any evidence submitted during discovery when doing so. At which point most judges would look at the massive list of games that have been ignored including massive titles like monster hunter and throw it out with prejudice.

This is going to be a pretty easy win for Glowstick Entertainment:

Glowstick Lawyer: “Your Honor here is a list of every game that has used the word monster in their title before the existence of Monster Energy and a list of every game released during the time that Monster energy has had the trademark. We motion for

Now that would be a fucking win-win.

public transit (esp. light rail) works in urban centers where city planning was a priority. in many of today’s midsize (or larger) cities, social constraints took priority in the recent decades & worked to separate communities in various (unsociable) ways. that makes building new rail lines & transit centers extremely

LAST WEEK: I love the u/n d/p symmetry because it’s why “DN” is used as an abbreviation for DOWN on elevators, because then you only needed to make buttons that read “up” and flip them over to read “dn”. Of course then there was a call to make the buttons accessible and brail was added, so this is no longer the case,

I don’t know, but you should probably call a doctor.

We need better biking infrastructure in all cities and burbs. Bikes are dangerous in heavy pedestrian areas, but they’re also put in danger when riding along with traffic, especially in the US. There are a relatively high number of bike riders in my area, but the streets are in no way able to accommodate them. They

To obviate the need for extra equipment, and to allow launches from a helipad or possibly smaller, the STRIX is a tail-shitter.

Cities can change. We don’t have to keep making car ownership mandatory. I love cars but I hate commuting in them.

Also not a lawyer, but this would seem to abridge the freedom of speech.

I found the science lab trick works outside the science lab. In lab you use a stirring stick on the edge of a beaker to prevent splashing.

The problem is that most engine bays are so darn cramped these days that you can’t get the bottle positioned to do this without having some really long funnel. Sure, with the long funnel you can get it not to splash all over the place, but now you have a long, oily funnel in one hand and a quart of oil in the other,

So you couldn’t just have a paragraph that lists the states. You had to make a fucking click-show. Shameful.