Sean Malloy

Coronavirus Has Been Spreading Widely in U.S. Deer

The three biggest priorities, the report says, are finding Earth-like exoplanets

It would be at best one to two thousand people making the looooooong journey and restarting the human race and whatever other animal and plant dna we bring along. Spaceship Earth is all we have and we need to treat it a lot better starting today. 

Those damn “Calvin peeing on [insert logo]” stickers.

Umm, though it is a motorsickle, the Harley Davidson clothing line needs to be burned to the ground and eradicated from the universe. Like most of their riders. 

Sweet potatoes casserole with the marshmallows on it. I’ve never understood it. Its mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. What monster came up with that idea!?

There are other dishes I’m not a fan of such as the sweet potato abomination that is loaded with sugar and topped with marshmallows.

With the world already experiencing an energy crisis with rolling blackouts and such, how do you plan to not only replace the current demand for power generation but also exponentially increase it for all the extra EVs people are supposed to be buying in less than 10 years? If your answer to this question is “people

Auto stop/start. From what I can tell it really doesn’t impact overall fuel economy that much and just makes for jerky starts at stoplights and stop and go traffic. It’s an automatic motion for me now to turn it off when I start the car. 

Reversing cameras and parking sensors, are they overrated?

In my ‘15 Durango, I’d say the least used function are the paddle shifters.  I’ve used them in the mountains to better maintain cruising speeds, but for the majority of my driving in the Midwest they’re pointless.

Or discreet.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Good advice. In addition, you should probably also be “discreet.”

Makes the decision to decommission nuke plants look all the dumber.

Spot is a surveillance drone.

Say what now?

Totally agree.

Privatization has already screwed US passenger rail service because the right-of-way is largely owned by private freight companies, leaving passenger rail as a second-class citizen.

Coming to a theater near you, a spin off of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Gardeners of the Galaxy.

I’m still working through my first cup of coffee, so that’s my excuse for spending an unreasonable amount of time trying to figure out who The Composter is in the GotG universe.