Sean Malloy

Alton Brown

Flay is an asshole who cooks well.

Possibly Dieselpunk, but now we’re just splitting hairs.

Counterpoint — 11 reasons to stick with Windows 10:

“Which makes me wonder who 600 miles of range is really for.”

I could’ve told you that by looking at my facebook feed.

Picture it: your office is doing a Super Bowl pool, going to a team lunch, or collecting for a group baby shower gift. And someone asks: Do you have Paypal? What’s your Zelle? Don’t be that guy. People don’t want to check multiple different apps and accounts to make sure they got reimbursed. Just get Venmo.

There’s no way that anyone actually considers Pinterest as social media right?

It’s just a bunch of dead links to other content, and a popup demanding that you log in if you want to scroll down the page.

It’s almost the right job for urban American reality.

yes... on accident...

In related news, morning productivity mysteriously increased during the same period as well as an increase in personal self esteem among all age groups. :D

In this case, almost none of them are “victims of the climate crisis.” The largest number are from Hawai’i - birds that are victims of invasive species. Almost all the rest are victims of invasive species (mussels) and habitat loss. Most of these species were listed long before the climate crisis kicked in.

Pretty sad day when the most valuable car company on the planet can't get away with fraud.

No, here’s the short version:

“Alumina” was the name of the ore from which element 13 could be extracted.

In 1808, the British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy coins the term “Alumium” (yes, spelled like that) to describe the hypothetical elemental metal that could be extracted from alumina. It’s also worth noting that he

Most days, I have to fight the urge to tell someone — anyone — that the Aztek was truly the precursor to modern, boring crossovers.”

1st Gear: Increase regulatory pressure and remove the ability to buy credits from someone else.

The condition that Disney is searching for is one where they can get away with paying the people that make movies as little as they can get away with and can instead just send all the money right to their shareholders.

Yep—this is evidence of decency at play. Also it’s significant that this is a doctor who remembers the time before legal abortion. He’s seen the consequences.

What a mensch. godspeed doctor.

“and lawyered up right away”