Sean Malloy

Everything we make to produce power, literally everything so far, produces waste.

Thanks. This article convinced me that an EV isn’t ready for prime time.

While the tone of the experience is upbeat and sentimental I’m sure for good reason the whole charging experience seemed like a major fail. I mean if you can’t get good reliable and consistent charging experience in what is one of the most populated and vastly developed parts of the United States then it’s a fail. Try

There’s a great quote in a history book I love about King George III of England: “Because he wished his subjects nothing but good, he believed that anything he did was good and anyone who disagreed with him was a scoundrel.” This has always seemed to me the essence of Dubya: not so much an evil liar (like Cheney) but

George W. Bush Is Lying

The quality of analysis here has really tanked since the days of Lindy and company. So many bad takes.

We were always going to get to this point. Every epidemic in US history that has ended was ended with mandatory vaccinations.

Are you blaming Biden for the Tuskegee experiments?

Antivaxxers and antimaskers are not “a

Please make an attempt not to be a fucking moron. None of those things are contagious and virtually all of them are already penalized in several ways. Not least of all through higher health insurance premiums, which costs companies more. That’s why many large corporations have wellness initiatives for employees.

Really we only need 1 reason to not buy an Oculus :

5th Gear: Folks may not be aware that a recent event set the scene for such scenarios right here in the United States. People of all political stripes, especially staunch conservatives, should be absolutely horrified by this week’s Texas abortion law and the inaction of the Supreme Court to shut it down. So how would

Someone pointed out yesterday on one of the cable news channels that while there is all this talk about rising sea levels and increasing storm surge what happened in the northeast had nothing to with that. It was about the basic and aging infrastructure of cities that are not built to displace the vast amounts of

Most carbon taxes are regressive. A person driving a $100k Tesla shouldn’t be paying no carbon tax while a single parent who can only afford a used ICE car has to pay more at the pump. In Ontario right now, gas is about CAD $1.40 /L (approx USD $4.20/gallon), a huge chunk of which is a carbon tax. That is penalizing

2nd Gear:

Call me a cynic, but I think if a buyer was getting a guaranteed rebate from the government at point of sale, say $7500, then the price from the dealer would be $7500 more for the vehicle.

Nonlocals should probably be aware that during lockdown NYC acquired an exciting new social phenomenon: Motorcycles and three-wheelers cruising from neighborhood to neighborhood to neighborhood, in groups small and large, with their engines tweaked to MAXIMALLY GODDAMN THUNDEROUS, rattling windows and setting off car

Somebody checked their carrion?

I’d be willing to bet the lid was taped shut, but the TSA cut the tape to inspect it and failed to re-tape it. Because the TSA. 

And no sequence from 2001: a Space Odyssey makes the cut:

I would not eat them on a dare,

Oompa Loompa doompety dee,