Sean Malloy

There are two people in the US who receive medical marijuana legally under federal law, the survivors of the 13 people allowed to receive marijuana from the federal government under the 1978 Compassionate Investigational New Drug program; no additional people may be added to the program.

“This stop sign is taking forever to turn green!”  “Maybe I should take another hit of this Everclear stuff...” *gurgle gurgle*  “It’s green now!”

This. One of the criteria for the navigation system I bought for my car was that it could be bought with a bezel that fit into the factory dash — none of this “tablet glued to the dashboard” crap. And while I do use the volume up/down buttons while I’m driving, I’ll put my fingertips on the bottom of the navigation

Just remember, full-immersion VR sex will not destroy civilization. Full-immersion VR sex achievement points will destroy civilization.

How hard will the paperwork be to read and understand so the dealerships can continue crappy practices?

The dark chocolate ones are good; the milk chocolate ones are, too often, made with cheap chocolate that lacks a decent flavor.

There are a few limited occasions where I’ll buy cartons of dairy products, restricted to when I know I’m going to be using it either that day or the next (for example, making overnight oatmeal), because I know that if I don’t use it immediately, it will get pushed into the back of the fridge and forgotten about.

And, disappointingly for knee-jerk news sensationalism, the Ever Grounded Given was nowhere near the scene...

This; I’m rarely buying precooked chicken or turkey to eat on its own; it’s almost invariably going in some other dish where the recipe calls for X quantity of cooked chicken or the like, and I don’t want to take the time to cook the chicken on my own. By the time it’s cooked into the rest of the dish, any dryness

My local grocery store has an issue with this with regards to milk, to the point that they have a sign posted requesting people stop doing it.

But I don’t trust the traffic.

More than a year ago, I was leaving work, and stopped to thank an elderly gentleman who was getting into a lifted vehicle that was splashed high with dried mud, and when he asked me what for, I told him that it was for proving that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that there were still people who actually use

“There’s no functional benefit to these massive, blocky fronts.”

I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be cheaper, measured in the number and size of future lawsuits, to tear it down and rebuild it rather than risk the section collapsing in heavy traffic, because a collapse will pretty well kill any hope of Los Angeles successfully arguing that they exercised due diligence in

Yes — I looked at the second picture, and my first thought was “What the hell were they thinking to put the head in the middle of the cabin like that?”

The thing that has soured me on US drivers ever learning how to zipper merge is all the idiots coming up a freeway onramp into solid, slow-moving traffic who ignore the lane marker disappearing (which should tell you that there isn’t a separate lane any more), continue up the merge as if it was still a separate lane

It’s amusing that this is greatly similar to the problems England faced in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as the pace of shipbuilding, both for commerce and for the Royal Navy, wore down the English forests despite careful management, with the Royal Navy turning to build ships in its colonies, where vast

One of the few EV battery fires where the FD didn’t have to worry about an adequate supply of water to quench the blaze...

The Raines sandwich, created to get around a liquor law and never intended to be eaten.

...Justice Clarence Thomas called for the court to overrule other privacy rights, including contraception and marriage equality.