Sean Malloy

So it’s an ‘improved’ version of the Project Orion study back in the 1950s/60s, which was propelled by actually throwing nuclear bombs out the back of the spacecraft, detonating them, and using the pressure of the blast against a pusher plate at the stern of the spacecraft for thrust. At least the design doesn’t

The spice allowed the Navigators to plot a safe path through hyperspace to their destination;there were other drugs, but they were not as effective, and the Guild lost ships. But the value of a successful jump was such that it was worth the risk of losing the ship and its cargo.

There are two people in the US who receive medical marijuana legally under federal law, the survivors of the 13 people allowed to receive marijuana from the federal government under the 1978 Compassionate Investigational New Drug program; no additional people may be added to the program.

“This stop sign is taking forever to turn green!”  “Maybe I should take another hit of this Everclear stuff...” *gurgle gurgle*  “It’s green now!”

This. One of the criteria for the navigation system I bought for my car was that it could be bought with a bezel that fit into the factory dash — none of this “tablet glued to the dashboard” crap. And while I do use the volume up/down buttons while I’m driving, I’ll put my fingertips on the bottom of the navigation

Just remember, full-immersion VR sex will not destroy civilization. Full-immersion VR sex achievement points will destroy civilization.

How hard will the paperwork be to read and understand so the dealerships can continue crappy practices?

You have fifteen seconds to reach minimum safe distance...

The dark chocolate ones are good; the milk chocolate ones are, too often, made with cheap chocolate that lacks a decent flavor.

I found it on my work computer as well (and immediately removed it). What’s disturbing about finding it is that it somehow got installed on my work system despite Microsoft Store being disabled by GPO.

The internet is built by design to harvest data and share it with anyone who wants a peak.

His outrage seems to be centered around the advertisers being unwilling to recognize the (to him) incontrovertible fact that, by buying one ad placement one time anywhere on Twitter, they have locked themselves into a perpetual and unbreakable contract to pay for as many ad placements as Musk wants them to buy at

There are a few limited occasions where I’ll buy cartons of dairy products, restricted to when I know I’m going to be using it either that day or the next (for example, making overnight oatmeal), because I know that if I don’t use it immediately, it will get pushed into the back of the fridge and forgotten about.

More than 70,000 delegates from around the world are gathering at the U.N. climate talks in Dubai this week to...

And, disappointingly for knee-jerk news sensationalism, the Ever Grounded Given was nowhere near the scene...

This; I’m rarely buying precooked chicken or turkey to eat on its own; it’s almost invariably going in some other dish where the recipe calls for X quantity of cooked chicken or the like, and I don’t want to take the time to cook the chicken on my own. By the time it’s cooked into the rest of the dish, any dryness

My local grocery store has an issue with this with regards to milk, to the point that they have a sign posted requesting people stop doing it.

California Legislators Slam ‘Rash’ NASA Cuts to Marquee Mars Mission

But I don’t trust the traffic.

More than a year ago, I was leaving work, and stopped to thank an elderly gentleman who was getting into a lifted vehicle that was splashed high with dried mud, and when he asked me what for, I told him that it was for proving that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that there were still people who actually use