Sean Malloy

 Learning that every car has the symbol for which side the gas tank is on is still in my top 5 most useful things ever learned.

I would ride the shit out of an E-bike or E-motorcycle on nice days to work. 8 miles one way. But I don’t trust the traffic.

The interior is definitely a step-up from the normal “I’m rich beige and marble” that they usually sport.

This is an incredible waste of money. Green H2 is nothing but a way to convert renewable electricity into half as much renewable electricity. Blue H2, or any color made from methane, just support a leaky natural gas infrastructure and various ways of cheating by Big Fossil. Hydrogen is extremely expensive and

On one hand 100% fuck Door Dash for not properly paying its ‘employees’.

Colbert put it best last night: We can’t be bothered to pay our employees, so we’re gonna shame if you don’t pay them for us.

There’s no reason to use the platform at all.

Hard disagree on raw onions, but then again, I just don’t like raw onions in any context.  Biting into a raw onion is like getting a sudden blast of mace to the tongue; it just dominates the flavor of anything it is paired with.

I was going to go buy a lottery ticket, but this guy just used up all of the world’s luck.

I’ll use instant potatoes and in my experience it’s better to add a tablespoon and stir to see how it thickens before adding more.

And then even better would be to give them metal wheels and have them run on their own rails to reduce friction and reduce tire/wheel wear costs. 

The Tachikoma development has begun.

“If you came to me right now with a journeyman that’s been in the EV charging industry for the last couple of years, he’d be hired on the spot,” Trout said.

Which is still a fantastically stupid way to manage security. It introduces a single point of failure. Compromise my phone, and you’ve got access to every account that relies on it for authentication. Any two factor code that you’re likely to get from an app, email, or SMS (the latter two already being laughably

Bicycles are considered vehicles everywhere I’ve ever lived. They are expected to use the road just like cars, signal movement like cars, stop at lights/signs like cars.  The whole bit. 

So the problem with becoming famous among TikTokers is that your business attracts more TikTokers.

This is true, which is why it makes no sense to ban ICE cars at this point (apart from environmental signaling to score political points).

Superior technologies don’t need bans on their predecessors to succeed. On a number of levels, even beyond infrastructure, gasoline-powered cars are still better. Until BEVs can charge in the ~2 minutes it takes to fill up a gas tank, they will be at a competitive disadvantage, as everyone doesn’t live in buildings

He was just looking for the bear necessities.

Even if they fully backpedal the damage is done. Not sure who would use Unity now knowing something like this was ever attempted and could be again.