Sean Malloy

Hickey Speed. Says right on the car.

Put the empty bowl in the fridge. You fill it with cereal and milk when you take it out the next morning.

You know that hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant right? Its use in COVID19 treatment is limited to patients who develop cytokine storms, whereby their immune system goes into a sort of “overdrive” which in turn speeds up their death. It’s a rare complication that few people develop.

For pretty pictures, stacking (“sigma clipping”) will eliminate the satellite trails readily.

We’ve seen how this ends...

Reminds me of this watermelon story from a few years ago

Did the photographer tell the lady passerby that she’s wearing it wrong?

Why can’t the article headline just be “Teflon can make super white paint reflect 98% of the sun’s heat.” This shit is one step away from “YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHAT STRANGE INGREDIENT YOU USE EVERYDAY COULD SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR ENERGY BILL”

This listicle format is evil.

We played FASA’s Trek game in high school, complete with the starship combat system. The Klingon supplement drew a lot from John M. Ford’s brilliant novel, “The Final Reflection” and when I was planning a Klingon campaign set on a D7, I told all the players that one of them was Internal Security...but in reality, none

Another article that didn’t need to be made into a slideshow...

Spending $2 on a haircut is how he remains s multibillionaire

So what kind of case would it take for the Supreme Court to finally recognize that the concept of a corporation (of any type) having actual moral or religious beliefs is a bullshit fantasy?

Another in a longstanding line of cases in which the Christian right has successfully argued that people should not be subject to the lawfully enacted general rules of secular society if they claim any religious objection to them whatsoever. The extraordinary argument being advanced by the Christian right here was

The definition of tex mex is regular mex covered in velveeta, so yes. 

Do you want to sit on a dark boat deck on a hot summer day?

Note: Shriners not included.

Pilot: “101, marking mom’s 230 for 25” (i.e. Southeast of the ship at 25 nautical miles)