Sean Malloy

Apparently only the Feds should be permitted to secretly seize your data.

I went from reading Heinlein uncritically at a young age (whoo! that's some heady stuff taken uncritically when young!) to reading it very critically and finding myself on a seesaw of wholehearted agreement to nausea, to finally a more laid back ability to just enjoy his storytelling, realizing the flaw in whatever

You'd have problems with your left eye seeing what your right eye should, or your right eye seeing what your left eye should, but the coloured filters don't block out different amounts of light upside-down or rightside-up.

The problem with this mental exercise is that it avoids one little fact: Bioshock Infinite created its own scientific effect, the Lutece field, to help explain why so many heavier-than-air objects are floating around willy-nilly in the upper atmosphere.