Sean Malloy

I would have thought it would have been Vampire Hookers, although he may have done that movie after he was asked that question.

What’s not being said about the requirement for bidirectional charging capability is the desire to be able to say “We’re running short on delivered power, so we’re going to silently tap your EV’s battery to keep everyone else’s lights on, too”.

The crime has nothing to do with the innocent fetus that has to be protected at all costs, according to the right anyways.

A buoy in Manatee Bay, which is in the Florida Keys, measured an ocean water temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 Celsius) in late July, Reuters reported.

It works both ways, too; you have idiot drivers who don’t pay attention to the pedestrians crossing with the light when they’re making turns, and idiot pedestrians ignoring the “Don’t Walk” sign and stepping out into the street, because the green light means they can cross, even if the pedestrian crossing light has

Well, who wants to go through the trouble of entering the ‘𝕏’ Unicode character every time we refer to it, when we can annoy Musk by continuing to call it ‘Twitter’?

Unfortunately, in too many cases, the police get soggy and hard to light because you responded “how high?” instead of “can I come down now?”.

“Florida Man Crashes Google Street View Car After 100mph Chase”

It’s still a crapshoot, though; the projected lifespan for an LED bulb may be 20 years, but you can still have one fail any time. I had to replace the LED bulb in the lamp on my nightstand after only four years, while I’ve had other LED bulbs soldiering on after ten.

I’ve made a different version of this before, and it’s wonderful. Packed with whatever fillings you want — ham, chopped pepperoni, cooked and crumbled sausage, mushrooms, peppers, diced onion (I prefer to sauté them for sweetness, as they don’t cook much in the filling), finely minced pepperoncini, different cheeses...

The remarks about carrying straps reminds me that I should, for the next time I find myself with some free time, dig out one of my copies of Ashley’s Book of Knots and look over the choices in 550 paracord at with an eye to making sleeves for my Contigo bottles that I can work suspense loops into,

I have no way to prove this without considerable research, but I’m convinced that the way the pricing works is that, as soon as the cost of gas to the station operator is expected to go up, they raise their price to give them a bit of extra cushion to pay for their next delivery at the higher price, and then when the

When I was in college, spending my summers in Tempe, one of the local TV stations would always have a “can we cook eggs on a manhole cover?” segment at some point.

As anyone who cooks sous vide will tell you, it’s not a simple “this temperature makes it safe”; it’s a tradeoff of time and temperature. Bringing chicken to an internal temperature of 165°F will render it safe regardless of how much time it spends at that temperature, but you can heat chicken to a lower temperature

I swear most of what he does is just predicated on whim and the need to look like you’re doing something.

The casinos just offer to blank off their windows for the race, so the F1 organization doesn’t have to install all of those expensive view-destroying obstacles, then once it’s too late for them to set them up, the casinos install sets of cameras looking out on the race route, linking them to the enormous display walls

Scientific facts are no match for the “OMG greenhouse gases! Stop it immediately!” knee-jerk from CAGC fanatics for whom the virtue-signalling appearance is more important than actually doing something substantive.

He’s too X’y for his anything...

If it’s water evaporation into the open atmosphere, then it’s only a matter of time before that becomes either denigrated or outright prohibited, given the knee-jerk attitudes of the CAGC community and the fact that water vapor is a greenhouse gas several times more potent than CO2.

Until the steganographic data embedded in the images out you, at which point you could be blackballed and put on a permanent rejection list.