Sean Malloy

Oh, I’m certain that it’s not; however, the cost ratio between it and existing fuels would give us an idea of how far its development has to go before it can become cost-competitive with fossil fuel, or how much of a premium the airlines are going to have to absorb pass on to customers when it can’t be produced at a

This is one of the very few ‘treatments’ for which the standard practices of homeopathy would actually be beneficial. Take a gram of borax, dissolve it in a liter of water, then take 10ml of that and mix it into 10 liters of water, and do that five or six more times, under the principles of homeopathy you should wind

I am reminded of  a line from a book on backpacking discussing the problems of packaging ingredients to cook with while backpacking: “Weevils do not actually harm the flour, and in fact increase the protein content, but they are widely considered unesthetic.”

I think that the benefits from large-scale adoption of EVs, even if their power comes from fossil-fuel generation, is supposed to be that the industrial-scale use of fossil fuels can be made more efficient than tens of thousands of individual power plants. This does, however, ignore the multiple losses inherent in

For the test flight, Virgin Atlantic has partnered with Air BP and Virent, which will provide a new fuel that cuts lifecycle CO2 emissions by as much as 70 percent.

“We need to stop using fossil fuels, but until we can force you to stop, we want a bigger share of the money from it.”

Or simply set up a dual system -- retain the gas tax for ICE vehicles, and use a weight-adjusted mileage charge for BEVs.

”If you’re concerned about this, the best answer is don’t commit any crimes on the subways—then you won’t have any problems,” the governor added.

I remember when the entire ‘middle’ floor at the back of the convention center was scheduled with fan panels for all four days of SDCC, but they got squeezed out as SDCC metamorphosed into a media event, with the few survivors of the fan panels pushed off into the corners of the con hotels.

The St. Paul Daily News published its banner headline for July 13 as “Heat Kills 100 Twin Citians” with the subheader “Fearful Toll Here In 18 Hours While Entire Nation Continues to Sizzle”. Admittedly, this was their July 13, 1936 edition, but... NOAA’s National Weather Service (

Let’s see... “one idiot”, “on a fixed gear”, “three years ago” — three completely unwarranted assumptions. And “equally as dangerous to pedestrians” makes a fourth, since having a bicycle — of any variety — pop out from behind a parked vehicle and zip into an intersection right in front of the car on the cross street

More of a kleptocracy than a plutocracy, in my opinion. Or even a kakistocracy.

As opposed to the people on regular bicycles tooling around completely ignoring traffic laws? It’s not confined to the idiots on e-bikes; I don’t remember the last time I saw someone on a bicycle actually stop at a stop sign, and the fraction of them that will roll up to a red light where there’s no

My response to “We’ve been trying to get in touch with you about your car’s extended warranty” is “Please state the nature of the pre-existing business relationship that you believe entitles you to ignore my phone number being in the federal Do Not Call registry.” At least, it is when it’s not “What is my name? If

“Oh, yes; the Cheez Whiz incident. But I’m MUCH better now!”
-- Buddy Ryan

Deleting the app doesn’t delete your account, any information you put in the account settings, or any information about anyone else referencing your account (i.e., friends, etc.) that Meta can will monetize as product to sell to advertisers. Of course, deleting your account won’t remove that information from Meta’s

“The bill will reportedly only apply to suspects in crimes that are punishable by a minimum of five years in jail...”

I expect that there will be a dramatic surge in the number of snap-on and stick-on covers for smartphone lenses available for the people who don’t want to simply use a piece of tape.

“I hope the next time one of these asshole 6 goes out to a restaurant the server throws them the fuck out of their section and tells them it’s a firmly held religious belief that they don’t serve hate filled ungodly assholes.”

clearlyLooking at the image, the crack isn’t on a weld line; it’s a failure in the vertical post starting above where the diagonal joins it. It’s clearly a stress-focus fracture, but it’s not a weld failure. I would think an outside diagonal would support the stress better, but I'm not a mechanical engineer.