Sean Malloy

Just remember that a good landing is one you can walk away from; a great landing is one where the plane remains usable afterward.

They’re not all identical chiclets; the green Model 3s, from the front, look like an angry frog -- easy to tell apart from the other models.

Flight simulators have gotten more and more accurate, but unless you’ve gone into peripherals in a big way, you’re going to be accustomed to using the keyboard shortcuts instead of the actual switches, levers, and controls on the panels — you’ll likely be hunting for the right controls, so you need to plan out what

Potato flakes are also an excellent way to thicken up a stew; they’re neutral in flavor, so you don’t have to deal with cooking out the raw flavor of a flour slurry, nor do you have to bring it all back to a boil to see the full thickening amount before you know whether you’ve added enough.

“There are lots of ways to write a headline, many of them bad. Take this article, for instance. It might’ve been titled:”

Not necessarily. There are regulations specifying how long food can be ‘up’ for immediate sale — back when I was in college, I worked for a company that made POS systems for McDonald’s, and one of the functions was tracking sales by hour so they could plan how much of each product to make to minimize wastage (back

I can confirm that this works reliably; I recently took delivery of a bag of Thai iced tea mix that I’d ordered, and was looking for a good way to mix it up without going through the bag’s ‘dissolve in hot water, then add ice and let it melt’ instructions when I spotted my hand frother. It whipped up the mix in less

Although the original movie did have a good tongue-in-cheek synopsis: “Aliens come to Earth in sixteen-mile-wide spaceships and blow up the White House, but later prove to be hostile.”

“Learning how to drive is a right of passage for most teenagers.”

And, over and above the problem with intermittent production, renewable power isn’t dispatchable — you can’t increase the output of a solar generation facility because the demand has gone up, and the operators of wind farms almost invariably run their units at the maximum the wind will produce (to reduce the need for

And navy bean soup with ham is so dead simple to make -- most of the time you ignore it while it’s simmering on the stove, until the beans reach the consistency you want. Leftovers for several days, and cheap.

I had to look closer to see that it was supposed to be toast; it looked at first glance to be beans on a kitchen sponge.

And seeing a product listing you’re interested in, mailing the link to yourself, then coming back a week or more later to see if you’re still interested, set it aside for another week or two, and then deciding whether or not to make the purchase (assuming you haven’t forgotten about it in the meantime) effectively

We need to have someone photoshop a group of people hanging banners that say “EVER GROUNDED” over the name on the ship’s bow and stern, just to preserve the tradition.

And they have yet to show how 1.51° of warming will be utterly devastating, while 1.49° will be business as usual — particularly with NASA’s declared margin of error in its temperature measurement of ±0.05°.

Meal service is when the flight attendants come back to the extreme front of your flight class section and start flinging tiny packets of nuts back down the rows of seats, stopping when they’ve thrown half as many packets as there are passengers in the section.

And if you do it before you address the problem that power storage is orders of magnitude more expensive than generation, you're stuck with the roughly 30% production rate of wind and solar facilities in ways that you can't just overbuild to compensate — no matter how big you make a solar panel farm, it produces no

“Instead of spouting deliberately misleading cold death statistics, look into how many are killed yearly by fucking air pollution, buddy.”

Studies show that heat causes about 2,500 deaths in the US and Canada every year, deaths which are undoubtedly laid at the feet of climate change. Unreported, because it does not fit the current climate change agenda, is the fact that cold causes about 100,000 deaths in the US every year, and 13,000 in Canada. In

His work over the decades. Yes. March 2009 — “The world has only 100 months to act before the damage caused by global warming becomes irreversible.” July 2015, he extended that deadline by 35 years. November 2021, ahead of the Cop26 climate change summit, he warned world leaders that this was their “last chance” to