Sean Malloy

“he’ll wear an embroidered Supertunica (which I assume is just Latin for “super tunic”)”

“pReliminary eurOpean reCKon on nuclEar elecTric pROpuLsion for space appLications”

“Also, for it to make financial sense for EV owners to offer up energy to the grid, there need to be pricing mechanisms for selling the electricity to the utility.”

It’s been quite some time since I worked at the company that, at the time, made the POS systems for McDonalds, but as I remember the explosion tables, the dried/rehydrated onions were used on the burgers with 10:1 patties; the burgers with 4:1 patties got ‘fresh’ minced onion.

Smells a lot like the attack on Radiosender Gliewitz...

The Cube Rule of Food Identification ( https:/ ) clearly identifies hot dogs as tacos, based on the location of its structural starch.

“People who don’t like miracle whip deserve respect, people who don’t like mayo deserve respect. People who don’t like either deserve respect.”

There are much better knots to use as a bend (a knot that joins two lines together) than the Square Knot. Ashley’s Book of Knots, which is pretty much the Bible for knot tyers, describes the Reef/Square knot as a binding knot — a knot tied using both ends of a line wrapped around an object to hold it closed, like the

You can tell that to Chrysler, with the A57 Multibank tank engine they produced during WWII, which was essentially five 4.1L 6-cylinder inline engines mounted in a pseudo-radial fashion around a single central drive shaft (each engine retained its own crankshaft). 109 M3 Lee tanks and 7,499 M4A4 Sherman tanks were

Yes; they’re still good, even though the ‘cold brew’ part takes a back seat to the ‘caramel’ part. I guess they would have called it ‘cold-brew caramel’ if the flavor balance had been the other way. I would have liked the coffee flavor to be more pronounced, though.

Make the private companies shoulder the cost of evolving the technology for large EVs, then the state and municipalities can take advantage of the paid-for R&D and buy buses and garbage trucks cheaper. And if the hauling vehicles can’t operate effectively because they would crush the state’s power grid trying to

The coffee note in the caramel cold brew M&Ms is there, but it doesn’t stand out particularly well; the sweetness is the front-and-center note.

“...according to Columella, one of the best ways to amp up the flavor was to boil the crushed grapes in a lead vessel. That’s because lead, indeed, provides a natural sweetness.”

Want to bet that, within six months of the requirement going into effect, we’ll see companies selling ‘blanker’ adapters that prevent your car from being tapped for energy?

Calm nights. Miniscule amounts of energy being produced by solar and wind generation, and negligible fossil-fuel generation because of the state mandate to shift to zero-emission generation, leaving the burden of production to sit on the nuclear facilities that are being decommissioned and battery farms that have, at

A diesel-powered truck with a gasoline-powered generator to recharge the depleted battery on an electric vehicle. One picture will provide irony for years.

I will take the black on black on black look over the gratuitous use of chrome for chrome’s sake, creating new and entertaining ways to flash the sun into nearby drivers’ eyes. It’s already bad enough with enourmous rear glass panels that turn into a giant reflecting panel for the sun at certain times of day, and with

Depends on the timing of the actions and the existence of the actions at all. If the driver of the vehicle did in fact run over Caccavales’ foot and did so before he fired his shots, he’s defending himself against vehicular assault. Shooting before having his foot run over, the driver is defending himself. Not having

Don’t forget New Madrid, which is pronounced ‘MAD-rid’, not ‘muh-DRID’.

Or if you go back to classical Greek, you’d pronounce ‘Nike’ as ‘nee-keh’.