Sean Malloy

I still wish Trader Joe’s had kept their Tempura Chicken, which was similar to the Mandarin Orange Chicken, but the sauce for the latter, I feel, overpowers the chicken and is less appetizing. But the Tempura Chicken didn’t sell as well, so it got bumped off the product list.

Remember that a USB cable has two ends — you don’t need to have one with a plug custom-designed to fit when plugged into your device; it can be a basic datablocker on the other end of the cable, where you have it plugged into the public USB port.

The greener-than-thou attitude of manufacturers hawking their EVs, while carefully brushing under the rug things like the child labor that went into mining the raw materials for their batteries, that in many regions it now actually costs more to recharge an EV than fill up a conventional-fueled car, or that, depending

And the utter lack of any regulations on the maximum height from the road that headlights can be and still be street legal; I’ve seen jacked-up pickup trucks where the headlights are at my eye level standing -- and I’m 6'5"; there is no way vehicles like this aren’t blinding the vehicles in front of them at night,

No... Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters.

The wording for the various state laws appear to simply refer to “mirror” or “mirrors”; some regulations specify that they must “reflect” a view of the road behind the vehicle to the driver, which could be argued to exclude digital rearview mirrors. Many states require two, one mounted on the left side of the vehicle,

I’ve used ATMs that work both ways — they all eat the card, but some hold on to the card until you complete your transactions and say you’re done, while others spit back the card once you’ve entered your PIN and tell you to take the card. With the second type, were I to be picked out for this scam, I’d take my card

You can copy the article’s title from the paywalled page, close that page, then open Google and paste the title into the search box, then select the link to take advantage of the fact that some paywalled sites will give you full access to a page if you come there from a Google link, because they want to

Or even more obscurely, “Octothorpe 3".

Or 14.14 feet, taking advantage of the fact that a small gecko can easily fall ten feet from the ceiling to the floor without damage, and then walking diagonally across the floor, so that it’s only walking once it lands on the floor.

“The upgrade is an example of how infrastructure improvement can make roads safer.”

And this is why I’ve been extremely leery about riding my recumbent trike on any road; being a bicyclist is already putting you in the position of being less visible to drivers, and the trike putting me down close to the ground essentially makes me invisible, even if I were to have a forest of poles waving

That can be misinterpreted, too, as referring to his father and his father’s older brother Prince William. As I said, English grammar can be so entertainingly confusing.

“My favorite is a split pea and ham soup, but you could do a ham chowder or ham and rice soup.”

That picture raises “junk in the trunk” to an entirely new level...

“whether he will meet face-to-face with his father and older brother, Prince William.”

“There’s something to be said for selecting your own apples from the display and eyeballing deli meats to be sure they’re sliced perfectly thin.”

What Monster’s legal team needs is to have a judge declare them to be a vexatious litigant (each and severally -- the company and the individual lawyers) and revoke the trademark.

It’s disturbing to realize that, watching that trailer, my biggest failure of ‘suspension of disbelief’ was seeing the He-111 with Indy and Helena falling out of it, and thinking “Wait. That’s not where the bomb bay on an He-111 is; that’s where the ventral gondola (the ‘bathtub’)l is supposed to be.” Just another

I have to congratulate Gizmodo on having fully weaponized its video player interface for maximum advertising annoyance; the “Skip Ad” button that pops up partway through the ad video is overlaid by the video play bar when you mouse over the video to try to click on the “Skip Ad” button, intercepting the mouse clicks,