Sean Malloy

The first state to have a state aroma that doesn’t drive people away...

Southern California does have four seasons -- earthquake, flood, drought, and fire. They’re just not the same length from year to year.

Exactly. Your ‘corporate beliefs’ don’t enter into it. This is the coverage you are required to provide for your employees regardless of whether you or your employees have any intention of using it -- a common standard that is the same for every employer required to provide health insurance.

I suspect that the sausage wouldn’t cook fully, although the flattening from the waffle iron should make it thin enough that the heat would reach all the way through. It would be necessary to experiment. Time to use up a chub of sausage and a tube of biscuits...

“...he did what’s apparently become the patriotic American thing to do: picked up an assault rifle and pulverized three cases of Bud Light.”

As I understand the argument, it is employers bringing suit claiming that it violates their religious beliefs to be required to pay for their employees to have that coverage as part of their health care as part of the employer-provided health care coverage, not that they don’t want that coverage for themselves.

The biggest expense for renewables would be reliability, if the wind and solar generators were required to supply power with the same reliability as other systems. Solar production drops to zero at night, and can drop to a fraction of its normal production due to weather blocking the sun; wind production is at the

Nothing I found explained why they were built that way, although the one picture showing a side view of a car with that style of windshield having the top frame folded down; a search for “multi pane windshield 1915" just now turned up one page on the history of the windshield that states “The first windshields were

Another of the infinite variations on the chupaqueso...

I’m not sure for that vehicle, but a little digging turned up that this type of windshield was in imitation of the horizontally split Brewster windshield, used in cars made by Brewster or for which Brewster constructed the bodies — with higher-end early automobiles, it was common for the manufacturer to supply only a

“We do not remove or promote content at the behest of the Chinese governmentseems to me to be a pretty straight-up dodge of whether TikTok hands over data to the Chinese government. It answers the second half of the question (removing content), but not the first.

Yes, and of course there wouldn’t be anyone driving around with the “I have winter tires; I don’t need to worry about losing traction, so I can just keep driving the way I’m used to” attitude... and pile up next to the “I have four-wheel drive...” idiots.

Doesn’t have to be things stuck together, just stacked things that are thinner than the fat fingertips of the suit, so that you can’t get a grip on just the top one. Sure, you could do something like grab a screwdriver or other tool, but then you’ve got a hand occupied with the tool.

Looking at the picture of the gloves, it occurs to me that no one seems to have thought about incorporating a rigid upper surface for each fingertip -- or at least the thumb and index fingers -- that sticks out slightly; I can imagine all sorts of situations where having fingernails or an equivalent would be useful.

It’s kind of funny to see something like this when you look back at the history of lobster as a food and see that it was historically trash catch, food that you ate when you couldn’t afford anything else, and that prisons rioted with one of their demands being that they be fed lobster no more than three times a week.

WWII really gutted the spectacle of air racing. You look at the pre-war air races and the variety of aircraft designs by individual designers that participated, like the Bee Gee, then WWII rolled in, and you had the industry of the world devoted to squeezing out every last bit of speed and maneuverability; after the

It would be nice if the sound designer had a better understanding of what a scramjet was. He described a ramjet reasonably well, but both ramjets and conventional turbojets have to slow the incoming air below Mach 1 for the engine to work; this limits the maximum speed they’ll propel an aircraft. A scramjet doesn’t

They’ll just cart you away in chains.

“The RWD 350+ makes due with 417 lb-ft of torque.”

The coating on the paper is hydrophobic; it doesn't have any surface tension adhering the water to it. The oil has more adherence, so it sticks better.