Sean Malloy

The cost for on-site tech support is going to be astronomical...

Pfft. Take one coin from the first bag, two from the second, and so on, and weigh those. The decimal place of the resulting weight will tell you which bag has the counterfeits.

The cars in the top image are blurred, which indicates that they’re moving, while the train looks like it’s just stopped there in the middle of nowhere. Looks like a typical government project.

“Meesa finds yousa lack of faith disturbing-kay.”


Well, why not? If Sacramento can pass legislation mandating a 100% renewable power grid by 2035 when 50% of the state’s power comes from out-of-state producers not under its control (and no serious prospects for increasing in-state production to cover the increased load from the parallel mandate for all new car sales

Of course it’s evil. It might lead to dancing.

Slide 3's commentary feels a little disjointed: “Just mash 2 tablespoons of skyr or similar yogurt with room temp salted butter with 4 ounces of room-temp salted butter...” Is that mixed with one addition of butter or two?

Not to mention that three of the four slides are videos that are locked as “Watch this video on Instagram”, but go to a no-longer-available account. And it looks as if Disney is also finding out that the number of people willing to be shoehorned into a LARP is limited when it’s set up to railroad the plot,

And when you’re done adding the oil to your engine, you’ve got all of these separate pieces that have a film of oil on them that’s going to dribble all over wherever you put them unless you take the time to clean them. It’s a tradeoff of convenience when actually adding the oil against inconvenience of cleaning up

Or the autoplay videos that detach themselves from their location on the page to jump into your sidebar and scroll down the page with you. And basically every other thing on the page that screams “LOOK HERE! THIS IS WHAT WE WANT YOU TO BE LOOKING AT!” pulling your attention away from what you want to look at. But

The next upgrade of this will be to make it standalone, hooked up to an app that sarcastically rates your kisses (“Congratulations! You’ve earned the ‘Dead Fish’ badge!”), with an add-on that insultingly suggests ways to improve.

He’s not thinking ambitiously enough. If you accept the premise that human life begins at conception, and given the established fact that around 75% of all conceptions fail to carry to term, he needs to stand up and own the side consequences of his position — that all women must be subjected to regular pregnancy tests

“But the idea of being strapped into a tiny, pinball-looking capsule and getting lifted to such great heights does not agree with my claustrophobia...”

“...nearly matches the “performance specifications of a regulation basketball, including its weight, size and rebound”

Or, as I see all too often with bicyclists, sail up to the red light, assume that the lack of visible traffic means that there's nothing that they're not seeing, and blow straight through the intersection without slowing down.

The only regular production car to be made from stainless steel, perhaps. In 1936, Allegheny Ludlum Steel company persuaded Ford to make six Ford Model 68 Deluxes, which they loaned out to their top salesmen to promote stainless steel. In the 1960s, they went back to Ford and had them make two Ford Thunderbirds, and

I think I’d go with ukiyo-e; probably Hokusai’s “Great Wave off Kanagawa” on one side, and Hiroshige’s “Kambara, the snow in the night” on the other.

Ever since the FAA inspector showed up for Santa’s BFR with a shotgun and told him he was going to be losing an engine on takeoff during his check ride, the US government has been on Santa’s ‘naughty’ list...

Exactly. I was looking at the pictures and thinking “Get a bag of those mini pepperoni slices, put down a layer of tater tots in a pan, spread some pizza sauce over them, scatter the mini pepperoni (use the mini pepperoni so you don’t have issues pulling the tots apart later), and spread grated mozzarella or whatever