Sean Malloy

Well, of course they were acceptable — they were the help, the servants, securely in their place beneath their white superiors. Show up to a hotel and try to book a room, though, and they’re acting like they’re people, arrogating privileges above their station.

Perhaps she is, but I find the “You’re enjoying doing X ‘all wrong’, so you should stop enjoying it the way you have been and do it my way, because I’m [insert self-justification for why my opinion/belief is superior]” labeling to smack of someone trying to be self-important. A title like “Try Cutting Your Baked Brie

To recycle a joke from the Nixon era, a country with a population of 1.4 billion that claims that ping-pong is its favorite indoor sport will lie about other things, too.

Oh, I’m sure that the drinks would be tube-friendly, they just wouldn’t be customer-friendly when they arrived at the other end. At least unless the customer needed to wash their face... and their clothes... and the inside of their car...

If you’re going to go with the spread of tinned fish, though, I strongly recommend that you avoid surströmming unless you know your partner really well; it’s not something you want to surprise someone with.

And regardless of how you’re serving it, if you and your friends/guests are enjoying it, don’t let some ‘authority’ on a website tell you you’re doing it wrong. If you try it and like it more, fine, but the point is enjoying the cheese, not conforming to someone else’s idea of how to eat it ‘right’.

Actually, the change I would like to see is a flat prohibition on anyone running for, being elected to, or being appointed to any elected office during the term of office of an elected office that they were elected or appointed to. You take office in a position, and that’s your job. You can’t run for re-election or be

“In order for plant-based meat to succeed, it may be time to give the people what they need rather than what they think they want.”

The tulip craze of the 21st century.

You’re right; that’s the one I was thinking of when I saw the picture, but I couldn’t place it well enough to look it up for the name.

We should have a constitutional amendment that requires the salaries for all elected officials of the US government to be paid solely from the budgetary surplus of the government, proportionally allocated according to the designated maximum salaries of those officials.

Does anyone else look at that image and see echoes of the Avro Vulcan mixed with some blended-wing concepts?

One of the things I recall reading about the stainless 1936 Fords is that they were produced at the very end of that model’s production, because the wear on the dies forming the stainless steel panels wore them enough that they would be useless for further production. Now, I’m sure the metallurgy behind stamping dies

It doesn’t have to be clunky-looking. In a promotional deal with Ford, Allegheny Ludlum, the first major producer of stainless steel in the US, had six 1936 Ford Deluxe Sedans produced in stainless steel (of which four still exist); later, they collaborated on two more stainless body models — a second generation 1960

And they’re not even doing the misquote meme right. You have to have a quote, its attribution to someone other than the person actually speaking the line, and a picture of a third person who didn’t say the line either:

Gandhi’s actual statement could reasonably be summarized as that, but it was more complex:

I don’t know; I have yet to come across a better slamdown of a food than in John M. Ford’s Star Trek novel The Final Reflection, where Dr. McCoy’s grandfather gives advice to a Klingon captain attending a Babel conference:

I had a bolt come off the trailing arm of the right rear wheel of my Accord wagon, causing the wheel to wobble at anything more than a crawl. I was lucky enough to be near a mechanic I’d used before, and was able to limp there, and they were able to weld together a pair of threaded shafts to make a temporary repair

Educational Decree #28:
Effective immediately, all books made available to students shall be withdrawn unless their content and presentation has been approved by a Ministry-appointed Educational Materials Inspector.
— DeSantis Umbridge, High Inquisitor

I would think they’d come out negative just on the sunk cost of diapers alone, not to mention the overhead of prenatal, delivery, and neonatal care; it’s not such a cut-and-dried decision.