Sean Malloy

You’re missing the issue; most of the traffic is merging as the merge lane becomes narrower than a full lane of traffic, while the assholes are shifting to the right onto the shoulder — onto and to the right of the white line marking the edge of the pavement — and driving along the shoulder until they run out of

And while I’m pretty sure they’re not stupid enough to think that it would work that way, I still read the part about the “portable energy unit” and pictured the Ariya towing it with the wind turbine spinning in the airstream to provide “free energy” for charging it.

What drives me up the wall about the zipper merge isn’t the zipper merge itself — most of the people I encounter understand it well enough to do it — but the occasional asshole who, coming down the onramp and seeing the crawling traffic ahead of them, will haul to the extreme right and pass the people actually doing

Yes, like the ramp at (34.092581, -118.206227) in Google Maps — use the satellite view to see the actual ramp.

I’ve seen places like that on some of the oldest highways up in the LA area, where the onramp is twenty to forty feet of straight, a 90° right turn that you can’t take at more than 15mph, and forty feet of merge lane — leftovers from back when no one knew how to design highways, and remaining solely because there’s no

If I’m going to buy someone a selection of hot sauces, it’s going to be a selection that I’ve curated myself and know to be distinctive and flavorful choices that I think they would enjoy -- and would be readily able to get more if they particularly liked it. Not some scattergun equivalent of feeding “hot sauce

Answering the question Captain Jack Aubrey (from Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin series) would ask... “Can it be et?”

Exactly. As an accent on a dessert, it’s okay, albeit with a consistency and flavor only marginally more acceptable than the “Nik-L Nip” wax bottle candy; on its own, no matter how much you try to dress it up with flavors, it’s still going to be gagworthy.

Unfortunately, there are more types of candy corn than can be categorized simply by color. Besides the Halloween, Valentine, and ‘reindeer’ color variations, there’s a bicolor pastel Easter variant, and ‘Indian’ candy corn, replacing the yellow top with brown. Then there are the flavored variations, like ‘grape’,

Massengill is a company that produces ‘feminine hygiene products’.

And the licentious luxury of lead-lined dinnerware...

“Influencer” - capital I - is a viable job title in the 2020s.

The lampoon of the jingle that I remember from decades ago is:

If you’ve got a canned soup that wants you to add a can of water to the dense-pack contents of the can, adding less water to make it as thick as you want also works.

It seems like such a cheap shot to point out that, with a name like Massengill, she should have known that he was going to be a douche...

I think the point is that, with a smaller number of vehicles actually on the road, the environmental overhead of transitioning them all to ‘green’ EVs would be lower, even if the duty use cycle of the individual vehicles was higher — and I’m certain the intent is, once reliable Level 5 autonomous vehicles become

I have no way of verifying the accuracy of the story, but my father told me about a friend of his, when he was young, buying a WWII surplus tank engine and installing it in his car, then gadding about in the now ridiculously-overpowered vehicle until -- having failed to upgrade the rest of the drivetrain to handle the

And I have to wonder how long it will take for jerks to start hanging out near intersections with a powerful audio device and a recording of a noise-enhanced exhaust system, then crank it up and play it for random cars -- or any vehicle they don’t like -- in order to trigger the sound-sensitive cameras.

Which one? Lawyers wearing neckties to keep their foreskins from crawling up over their faces?