Sean Malloy

So the turbine just floats in the air? There’s no pillar leading down from the turbine into the water and to the ocean floor carrying vibrations? Isn’t technology wonderful...

Or if you were fixated on using your own filling, their crescent roll dough sheets.

This. The pizzeria I’ve been patronizing for a while now is less than a mile from me, so stopping on my way home to order, then waiting in my car for it to come out of the oven, gets me home with a pizza that’s in a much better condition than any delivery could offer.

“Meta Claims Metaverse Will Become ‘As Important as Smartphones’”

Or, as the actual complaints go, the concern is that the noise from offshore wind turbine construction and operation may be causing the whales to become disoriented, resulting in them swimming into shallows and becoming stranded, or directly injured.

The Volkswagen “Time to unpimp zer auto” commercial with the trebuchet...

A mostly-overlooked aspect of bicycle history are recumbents. Appearing around the same time as the Safety Bicycle, it was claimed that they had a better and more comfortable posture for the rider. Unfortunately, when Francis Faure, a second-rate cyclist, destroyed record after record riding a Velo-Velocar (a

Even when you have a viral infection, you can usually still get a prescription for a medication to help alleviate the symptoms that will at least help you feel less miserable while your body fights the infection.

I want to say that I first ran across that nickname from reading Martin Caidin’s book “Flying Forts” on the history of the B-17 bomber, but without the book to hand, I can't verify my memory.

And if they could mandate a complete overhaul to work schedules so that the times when people would be at home charging their EVs wasn’t in the evening and night, when solar generation drops to a fraction of its maximum, then to nothing during the night... and also mandate that everyone have a dedicated charging

And leading, as well, with its “Don’t charge your EV, because our power grid won’t handle the load. Never mind that we’re mandating all new vehicles sold be EVs in the near future, but aren’t doing a thing to increase the capacity and reliability of our power grid. Oh, but we’re also going to mandate that we be able

It wasn’t the price going up that made lobster a delicacy, it was railroad managers buying these cheap lobsters on the coast and serving it as a rare and exotic food to passengers, and then lobster not being rationed during WWII, that made it into a delicacy; the resultant demand, and the decline in the take of

And digital menu boards not only let them switch easily between lunch and dinner menus, it lets them raise the prices at a moment’s notice without the inconvenience of handwritten numbers on pieces of tape stuck over the old prices while they wait for new menu boards to come back from the printer.

“Extreme weather linked to climate change cost the U.S. at least $165 billion in 2022, according to NOAA data...”

Then they need to get the combines out and harvest it before the droughts come and kill off the entire crop.

“As wretched hives of scum and villainy go... it’s about average.”

“Only 72% of rural U.S. adults ... said they had acres to home broadband...”

The study “Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States” is not an actual research study; it is a compilation of previously-published (and ignored) studies; the authors did a literature search for previous epidemiological studies on gas stoves and asthma in kids and then

“All that aggregate demographic info, informed by U.S Census statistics, is then compared against the demographic distribution of a targeted audience selected by the advertiser.”