Sean Malloy

If you added one of the cat-butt magnets to a little wooden plaque, that would be a catastrophe...

60 seconds to get to 72°F, which doesn’t qualify as “iced”; that’s more ‘room temperature’; the product page says you need to let it sit “a bit longer” to get it to iced temperatures, but never actually says how long that its. And as long as you never want to drink more than 12.5 ounces of iced coffee in one sitting

60 seconds to get to 72°F, which doesn’t qualify as “iced”; that’s more ‘room temperature’; the product page says

There’s already been an article here detailing most of the causes. Most gas in California comes from local refineries, so interruptions can cause significant spikes; when the war in Ukraine started, the spike in prices encouraged refineries to defer maintenance and keep producing, and now that’s biting them in the

“But as the royal defectors continue to churn out more naval-gazing content and announcements,”

“If the hydrogen-fueled jets are to be effective in reducing emissions, they will need to run on what’s known as “green” hydrogen, which is made with renewable power like solar and wind.”

“Of course, the flip side is also true: associations between food and memory can also lead to a list of “never again” foods that are associated with bad times.”

“The American West is withering under the worst drought the country has experienced in over 1,000 years.”

“Listening to a report on anti abortion activists on NPR last night, one moron claimed she lived by Biblical teachings and therefore she cannot abide abortion.”

Or where they come down on you hardest when they catch you.

The problem with getting a good number is that airliners don’t always fly full, have varying loads of luggage and cargo, takeoff and landing burn more fuel than level flight (so shorter flights are less efficient), and aircraft waiting to take off or land produce CO2 for no travel distance, so while an average

We mustn’t forget the tireless work of the attendees at COP27 encouraging the transition to more “climate beneficial foods” like insects, algae, seaweed, and cacti... while they dine on beef medallion with mushroom sauce, chicken breast with orange gravy, and salmon with creamy sauce and chives. The COP Gourmet

I have to admire the tightly-focused accuracy of the tool, which reports an area from dozens of miles into Mexico up the California coast past Escondido as “Tijuana” with an American flag, a single monolithic source of emissions.

Another fun fact, although much later than the medieval period — Christopher Columbus did not convince Ferdinand and Isabella to fund his expedition to prove the Earth was round; that was already well-known. He convinced them of his belief that the Earth was much smaller than it had been calculated to be, so that it

My first reaction to the title was thinking of the whale in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

I would think that, if you’re relying on the maximum amount of starch to get the proper stretchiness, you’d want to go for russets rather than Yukon Golds.

And there’s an even simpler technique that works just as well — don’t fill your bottle full, and squeeze it before putting the cap on. That way, the bottle is trying to expand back to its ‘normal’ shape, and if there is any leakage, it’s going to be air leaking into the bottle. No little bits of plastic wrap that are

Crypto is the tulip craze of the 21st Century. But at least you could eat tulip bulbs after your investment in them turned to crap.

Another use: Create a chipped- or worn-paint effect on models. Paint your model with a base coat of the primer color used for the model — many military vehicle manufacturers use a red oxide primer — then spray the model with hair spray, after which you spray on the top color for the vehicle. Then take a brush dipped

Two-pound packages available from and

Or people like the four in Australia who sent flyers to all their neighbors advising them that, because the four owned EVs, and the local power grid was ancient and limited in capacity, they wanted all of their neighbors to follow a roster of when they were permitted to use high-draw appliances like washer/dryer or