Sean Malloy

They’re complying with Pantone’s change in licensing terms in a way that pisses off Adobe’s commercial-graphics customers while being able to say “It’s not our fault — we had to comply with Pantone’s licensing changes!”, likely as a move to try to focus all the hate and discontent back onto Pantone to pressure them to

I think the issue is a concern for people who produce art that will be used to produce separations for printing, which generally rely on the Pantone color system for color matching to the inks used to make the prints. There is nothing that would stop you from using #0047BB in an image, but the licensing is required

Didn’t help that he started off his administration by revoking permits and only approving new permits when hell freezes over after excruciatingly careful examination of the request, severely limiting the ability of the petroleum industry to achieve the increase in production he claims he wants.

Expanded version of a graph from -- but that’s an AGC-skepticism site, so it’s going to be labeled as haram by definition and discarded as contrary to pravda

“The bears in the Western Hudson Bay area are predicted to become one of the first groups of polar bears at risk of disappearing due to climate change. Their numbers have decreased by 30% since the 1980s, according to PBI.”

Before I saw Sylvester Stallone playing Judge Dredd, I would never have thought I would ever say that he had too much facial animation for a role.

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Isn’t that assessment demeaning to lying sacks of shit?

I’m uncertain why you would need to ‘contrive a way’; I learned from my mother, and it was dead simple. About a half inch of hot oil in a pan, slip the tortilla in, allow it to cook for a few seconds as it started to cook, flip it over, another short time on the other side, then grab one side with tongs, fold it in

Alito claimed that the leak made the justices “targets of assassination”. I suppose that finding out the presumed ruling might increase the risk to them more than actually issuing the ruling has, if only in some whackjob’s belief that it would change the ruling, but now that the ruling has been made, Justice Alito,

It reminds me a bit of the ‘paracone’ reentry vehicle that NASA looked at back in the 1960s, and the ‘MOOSE’ program of similar vintage.

But despite “We can’t say how much this is happening, how widespread it is, or how much of a risk it might be”, someone is eager to step right up there to flog it to the public as one more thing we should fear about climate change, to make sure that the ‘threat’ stays in the forefront of people’s minds.

It was a convenient place to attach it; the top ‘reply’ button wasn’t working. And the clumsy phrasing goes all the way back to the original SDCWA document describing the project that the NPR article references — although the NPR article doesn’t use the phrase, so Gizmodo must have gone back to the original document

The terminology is misleading. “store 4000MWh per day” — is this a total system capacity of 4000MWh, or is this some magic “smaller upper reservoir” with an infinite capacity that, if the system pumps 4000MWh worth of water into it during the day, but only 1000MWh are used during the night, another 4000MWh worth can

It’s something to consider about the intelligence of the population as a whole that, wherever you see some product warning, it’s the consequences of someone doing exactly that and (in most cases) filing suit over their own stupidity. Many of them are funny, ridiculous, or incredibly obvious, like the warning that used

Probably adding genetic material not belonging to the recipient species. If you want to get technical on the wording itself, virtually every farmer and animal breeder has committed this sin, for crossing plants or animals with desirable traits to get offspring collecting those traits. Look at what we’ve done with

Charging overnight only’ isn’t going to do you a lot of good on hot, windless nights when neither the solar plants nor wind turbines are producing power, but the demand is still there. Having excess generation capacity and effective industrial-capacity power storage systems are going to be needed to cope with

It’s interesting to contrast WaPo’s statement that the study’s findings “highlight the real-time effect that humans are having on the weather and climate” with the last paragraph of the study’s analysis:

Umm, no; a sweeping generalization like that is not valid. The ability to ‘neutral steer’, where the tracks are driven in opposite directions, depends heavily on the transmission design, and almost always requires the tank to be stopped before performing the turn. Most WWII tanks lacked it, exceptions being the German

“Frog Tape can make sure your markings don’t freeze off”