Sean Malloy

“Pedestrian deaths are skyrocketing, with 2021 hitting a four-year high of 7,485 pedestrians. Not all of these were at red lights, of course, but some of them were.”

It’s a Sunfish sailing dinghy.

I imagine that, should Frederik and his four children all die without further issue, either together or consecutively, Joachim’s children would have their titles reinstated, as Joachim would become either king or heir apparent, with his children moving up far enough in the line of succession that one of them would

Ummm... The boat ‘...left stranded on the shore...’ in slide 7 is visibly sitting on and strapped to a trailer, not stranded at all.

And it needs a second stripe running crosswise just behind the seats so it can properly pull off the ‘Norwegian flag’ vibe it’s got going for it. 

According to data from NOAA, Canada has been hit by more than 200 hurricanes since 1850. There is no data to indicate whether it was stronger than Fiona, but the 1775 Newfoundland hurricane (the first in Canada’s recorded history) left some 4000 people dead in its wake -- Canada’s deadliest natural disaster.

“NASA’s DART mission, short for Double Asteroid Redirection Test, won’t mean that we suddenly have a defense against threatening asteroids, but it could demonstrate a viable strategy for steering dangerous asteroids away from Earth.”

I wonder how long it will take California to add a rider to this that mandates the use of ‘smart’ heaters and water heaters, so that the state can remotely turn them off on cold, windless nights when the renewable generation isn’t producing any power and the demand runs past the supply of the already overloaded power

I had always regarded the original movie as the Nutri-Matic Tea version — almost, but not quite, entirely unlike the book — and figured that anything derived from it was going to be even more hackneyed. It should have stayed as Bug Hunt at Outpost Nine, without Verhoeven trying to tie it into a work he couldn’t even

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Unfortunately, Starship Troopers already has its cheesy ‘rah-rah’ anthem, which had much better production values.

‘Unobtanium’ is actually a widely-used term, used since the 1950s, for a material that has all the properties needed for some purpose, but which either doesn’t exist or is rare enough that it’s functionally unavailable in the quantities needed. The rare-earth elements are referred to as ‘unobtanium’ within the mining

The Sohuman group is really rocking the Kaecilius vibe, though..

If you built it, I’m surprised that you didn’t take the more secure route of using a recessed male plug, which would have allowed you to use any standard extension cable to connect it to a power source, instead of requiring a male-male cable.

I can see making pulled pork biscuits and gravy, but as a way to use up leftover (as if...) pulled pork, not something that you would spend all the time to cook the pork butt to make from a cold start. On the other hand, you should already have the sauce mixed back into the pulled pork, so just reheating that and

Spanish street names get similar horrible attempts -- Jamacha Road gets pronounced ‘ja-MA-cha’, when it should be ‘HAM-i-shaw’. Or where it incorrectly assumes ‘Upas’ in “Upas St.” is an abbreviation, and announces it as “Underpass Street”.

That’s a matter of physics. If the lightsail reflects the photons, it produces twice as much thrust as it would if it simply absorbed them. However, the argument that it didn’t get bright enough makes the assumption that, at some point during its flyby, the sail would have been oriented in a direction that reflected

“Servers need to stay cool to run properly, but maintaining their temperatures is a costly challenge,...”

What is depressing is that you can send email from Outlook with ‘Reply All’ disabled, but instead of making this a readily-available option, you have to enable the Developer tab on your ribbon, then design a form based on the ‘Message’ form, turn off ‘Reply to All’ in the Actions tab for the form, check ‘Send form

You mean that mandating the elimination of new ICE vehicles before upgrading a power grid that’s pushed to its limit by a hot weekend isn’t good planning on the part of a state legislature? Who knew?

“...the Tarantula Nebula, a swirling mass of infantile and yet-to-be conceived stars.”