
I’ m glad you didn’t forget the Switch cartridge. I was sure the taste of it was either going to give you amnesia or haunt you forever

Every time I see Steve Mnuchin’s face, I wonder what john oliver is doing in that photo. Except john oliver doesn’t tend have a smug expression on his face all the time.

My favorite weird gun is the duck foot pistol, which is an array of barrels splayed out like a duck’s foot. I can’t imagine a use for it except the equivalent of for a shotgun loaded with buckshot. Also I imagine it’d be pretty cumbersome to aim and fire.

Me. Ryan’s face says to me,” oh hell no!” Huckabee Sanders ability to pretend nothing is wrong is both amazing and terrifying.

He does have a neck vagina.

My father had a favorite saying about people who remarried the same person,” These are the kinda people who take a sip of spoiled milk, spit it out, then a minute later take another sip, cause maybe they were wrong the first time.”

Now playing

Here’s a video from my play through of syndicate.

The new wallpaper is flowers and listening devices.

XL stands for eXtra Leaky.

The Oakland police department being corrupt is a plot point of a side mission in Watchdogs 2. Before playing this game, I didn’t realize it was that corrupt. Things you learn from games, besides punching throws makes coins fly out of them( its true, try it!).

To the idea of riding a horse while intoxicated, I say neigh!

So, if I read that chart right t watch 4 gets 1 hour less sleep than the other three, that’s kinda shitty.

His costume is his jammies. Just look at them.

Princess Leia has had enough of Trump’s shit.

And thats when R2 contracted droid herpes. Always use protection kids.

The stones of Barenziah in Skyrim’s thieves guild were one of most annoying collection items. 24 stones with no markers or clues, just randomly placed in dungeons, houses, and other locations. And iirc at least one can get unobtainable if you finish a quest line.

I like it cause it’s the only William Gibson movie we’ll likely see.

Medusa to humans: Fine we’ll build our society with Blackbolt and hookers, in fact forget society.

Hiro is Black-Korean if I remember the book right, not japanese.