Sean Clancy

The LCARS display identified it as a “genetically modified” tribble. Genetically modifying tribbles is what got us into trouble in the first place, right Edward? (“He was an idiot.”)

I have Eaglemoss’s (RIP) large model of the refit NX-01. She’s gorgeous.

It’ll cook a LOT faster in an air fryer.

Sigh, I wish I had two hours in the evenings to roast beets.

And faceplanting on the moon is bad.

I despise Elon Musk more and more with every passing day.

The recent AV Club article said it best. The first Kelvin movie was only made to retain the IP, and they are now unnecessary; plus as we see and have always known, Star Trek is better on TV.

Jack Dorsey is cordially invited to take his new Twitter rival and put it inside of his butt.

I dunno, I tend to think of people who make sweeping generalizations like “Apple users are dbags” as being actual dbags.

I got seven days in Twitter jail for exactly that same line.

but you’ll… look sweet… upon… the seat… of a bicycle… built… for… two.

Yeah, I see it less as his password than his Starfleet safeword.

Hey, what’s your Klout score? 🤪

If it would help you to have a reminder of why we’re maybe not tossing around “fascist” a little too easily, look at Florida right now. Look at what they’re trying to do to trans kids and their families in Texas. Look at laws they’re introducing that would make the presence of trans people in public illegal, and would

I made a fix that resulted in 100% of his tweets not being visible at all. I blocked him.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

I was 17 when I first saw Superman (I called my mom to tell her I was staying at the theatre to see it again and would be home late). It’s 44 years later and I still get goosebumps and cry every time I hear “Superman’s Theme.”

Baseball or cricket bats, or a good ol’ 2x4 will do the trick.

Yeah, my first thought was “Star Trek TOS ‘Miri’” meets “Lord of the Flies.”

I’ve actually been enjoying Mastodon — smaller following than here but very good engagement. There are some minor annoyances, but nothing that’s a deal-breaker.