Sean Clancy

Except in this case it would be eight surgeons at the same hospital experiencing traumatic amputations of one of their own limbs while doing their jobs.

Also, how about NASA dropping its contracts with SpaceX until Musk no longer owns it and is out of the picture? (Of course, they’ve painted themselves into a corner with that, and the “We need Starship” thing.)

So, is Musk having a swastika painted on the side of the rocket to reflect his views that he’s now being very public about, having gone full metal Nazi?

A 70-slide slideshow, get stuffed y’all.

The picture quality (which is why I bought it) is fantastic; it’s their stupid “smart” software, and that should be fixable. Good luck buying “non-smart TVs” that aren’t a nobody brand or much more expensive.

I’ve never heard of this device before now, but if I could use one to hack my “smart” TV and permanently turn off the TV speakers it keeps switching back to spontaneously because it punishes me for having the temerity to buy a soundbar of a different brand, then I’d get one.

I agree — I’ve always found his characters to be amazing, but a fair bit of the time he really doesn’t manage to stick the ending.

“Marty! Kundun!! ... I liked it!” -- Christopher Molitsanti

That is a fantastic story. I have no idea why I forgot about it! Time for a reread, thanks.


With all due respect… get fucking stuffed.

SFF/horror author Sam J. Miller wrote a short story that he described as “my fanfic sequel” to “The Thing,” and in it he knows who is and isn’t a Thing. It’s called “Things With Beards.”

One can always dream.

If that’s the kind of VR you want, have fun with it.

Yeah, because we really need leg tracking to stand there jumping like an idiot (aka, like Zuck).

Y’know, most of my actual life leg movement could be handled by standard animations.

They should remove the news tab completely, as this is perhaps the worst place to get reliable news.

It was his “brilliant” idea of what he wanted to turn PayPal into back in the day, his idea for an “everything app” called “X.” The rest of PayPal responded to this idea by forcing him out of the company. So it looks like he’s trying it again, like the petulant child he is.

The scene in Mark’s bedroom with Danny Glick floating outside his upper-story window was absolutely terrifying in the novel and wonderfully rendered in the TV movie.

Legs were included in Second Life’s metaverse right out of the gate 20 years ago. Oh Zuck, you innovator you.

Musk is not an engineer, has never studied to be an engineer, is not certified as an engineer, is not an engineer, and will never be an engineer.