Sean Clancy

Truly the Howard Hughes of our age.

I’m asking with complete sincerity here. Has Elon made a single smart business decision at Twitter/X ever since he took over? I’m being serious. I cannot think of a single instance, in the past year, where Elon announced a big change at Twitter and the impartial part of my brain thought “That might work.” It’s just

Make MSG great again 

Soros is the Goldstein in the right wing 1984 universe. There is one liberal billionaire and he makes them lose their minds.

Am laughing at the Soros fascination with conservatives. It’s amazing how one man was elevated to such boogeyman levels from literally donating to just and humane causes.

It was terrrrrribllllllle. The ‘90s miniseries wasn’t bad at all, its only limitations were imposed by its being on network TV. Great opening montage, great cast. (Frankly all of that can also be said of the original ‘90s It.)

“Jeeves! Fetch me a snifter of Lone Star!

Legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever read on the AV Club, and I've been here a horrifyingly long time. 

Hear fucking hear!

I don’t have much to add that hasn’t been said here already.  Such a braindead, corporate simping take.  I hope Ray Greene is a pseudonym because I’d be utterly embarrassed to have this in my byline.

The problem isn’t that Scorsese is against comic book movies. If anyone has a right to comment on the state of cinema and have an opinion, it’s him.

This is genuinely one of the most rancid, thoughtless articles in the history of the AV Club. It is antithetical to what this website used to be. G/O Media should do us a favor and shut the whole fucking thing down.

I know this place isn't a hivemind, but saying the Irishman is a snore and linking to a review that gave it an A minus is certainly something. 

It’s not the money with rich fuckwads, it’s the principle.

He won’t though. There is a wealth of evidence showing that Elon is the cause of the current woes at Twitter. And even if the ADL did tell people not to advertise, they are well within their First Amendment rights to do so.

They use scapegoats like Jewish and black people because it’s “easy”. The 1/3rd of the country that lives in midwestern flyover states probably don’t even know a Jewish person. Even if they’ve met one, they probably didn’t realize it.

They’ve probably met a black person, but maybe don’t even have a black family in

Did you at least read the opening paragraph before shooting down to comments?

Really, because I thought he nailed the book character pretty well.

ding ding DING

Please ignore “Neville” and keep it in the greys.