Sean Clancy

I had a hard time convincing some followers who actually wanted a Twitter alternative to come to Mastodon for that very reason.

Okay, please redo the math and get a revised year, because I’m both both bad at math and lazy. 

Well, they’re giving avatars legs! That’ll make the kids stampede in!

Second Life looked better in 2003 than Horizon Worlds does now, and in 2023 Second Life (still around!) looks many light-years better. And not only does my avatar actually have legs, he has NICE legs.

Can you kindly try seriously fucking the fuck off then, please?

Special Bulletin was excellent, and vastly higher quality than this clip (unsurprisingly).

“Moderators,” LOL.

I refuse to believe there is anyone over the age of 15 who honestly thinks you shouldn’t be able to change the shitty default colors of your text message bubbles.

I learned that lesson the hard way in college. Ugh.


Yeah, I suspect a TV series about an invasion of Mars would have a fairly lower viewership.

That’s when we stopped watching, our decision, but there’s no need to insult people who wanted to continue.

I reached into the back of the fridge at a party once, looking for a soda. All they had left was Diet Coke, which I don’t care for but I was thirsty so whatever. I took one swig and immediately sprayed it out. It tasted absolutely horrible, and it turned out it was several years past the date (apparently the party

1. Don’t shoot cheap tequila. Don’t shoot any tequila.
2. Sip good tequila, and skip the salt and lime wedge.

No salt on the rim for me.

I’m sorry, but I stopped reading after “according to Nate Silver.”

Hey, once you go demon, you’ll always come screamin’.

Just about (zomg Siân Phillips!) ... but I still think MacLachlan and Sting were way too old for their respective roles. And although Kenneth McMillan looked the part, his performance was so batshit insane over-the-top that it made one wonder why the Emperor of the Universe would give control of the planet that

Well, the thing is that you get to skip waiting at a checkout line, and having the cashier scan everything manually (or doing it yourself at “self-checkout” ... UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGAGE AREA). It’s both cool and creepy, though.

Aaaand apparently the system will not allow me to upload the accompanying image of F8 from Star Trek: Picard, so fml.

Hell yeah.