Sean Clancy

Or, as an Andy M. Stewart song lyric went, “It’s not the fall but landing / that’ll alter social standing ...”

As an occasional visitor to New Mexico who has been thoroughly converted to the gospel of green chile, I wholeheartedly agree.

Your queso looks perfectly lovely and tasty (although cream of mushroom soup from a can is gross). Her queso looked like something an infant deposited in their diaper.

It isn’t. There’s zero reason to make this in an Instant Pot. Brown the meatballs and finish in the oven. Make the sauce in a a straight-sided skillet. Cook the pasta in boiling water to al dente, drain and add to the sauce to finish with a few splashes of pasta water. Madonn’!


Yes, all future Star Trek should look exactly as if it was made in 1966, with optical effects and models carved out of wood. Might as well keep the sexism too, yeah?

I had a “Dry January” a few years ago with hopes for weight loss, and didn’t lose a feckin’ ounce.

Well ... you’re wrong, of course.

Nah, Bernie can fuck right off. And I voted for him in the 2016 primary.

Ask again once people actually start running.

In the meantime, my bumper sticker reads: NO OLD WHITE MEN FOR PRESIDENT 2020.

Here’s my bumper sticker: NO OLD WHITE MEN FOR PRESIDENT 2020

I’m always pleased when a joke gets through. :) 

At his former office my husband had to deal with both 1. and 2. The chronic masturbator was at it in there daily, until someone figured out who it was and made a complaint to HR. The second example at his office once actually injured someone while running to the bathroom (he threw a door open and smashed someone in

<voice="George Takei">
My ... GOD. Shields! SHIELDS!!”

“Dave ... would you kindly fuck off?” It would have been quite a different movie.

Nope, actually not. It was just a coincidence. In fact, in Clarke and Kubrick’s early drafts the computer was to have a female voice and be called Athena.

Y’all can get the 15th Anniversary Firefly Blu-ray box set, the complete series plus extras, for $13 right now. Fuck Facebook.

The entire concept, now or later, is “Oh, hell no.” People drive like murderous sociopathic idiots in two dimensions. Do you really trust them to fly in three dimensions? Nuh-uh, no no never.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Folks, don’t “friend” anyone on Facebook that you do not know personally. It’s a bad idea.