Sean Clancy

Depends ... on whether the fascists currently in charge of the US do away with due process?

Ah, so you’re a dick as well as punctuationally challenged.

NINETEEN NINETY-THREE?!! Surely no one was alive then!

Fan of extrajudicial killing, are we?

I hope there’s footage of the Ecuadorians tossing his ass out the door. And I hope they keep his cat.

California requires that your name be disclosed but I don’t think you’re required to make any personal public appearances. Of course, they’ll chase after you for a while so you’d likely have to lie low or get out of town for a while.

If I win, my sole public statement will be:

“Thank you for your interest in our personal finances (which are none of your business).

It wasn’t even that loud. Bit of an anti-climax.

If they’re good enough for Admiral Adama, they’re good enough for me.

If they’re good enough for Admiral Adama, they’re good enough for me.

Every single Zip drive I ever had eventually failed. 

Oh, there’s plenty of stupid to go around. An IT worker at my former employer, whose job it was to run the server that all the company internet traffic went through and maintain the subsequent logs, was himself found to have been using his account on that server to look at porn literally all day long. He would hit

I didn’t say coconut oil is pure poison. I said that my cardiologist told me not to consume it due to my particular health situation. Reading is fundamental.

That’s a perfectly cromulent word.

In fact, my cardiologist said, “The only good thing I have to say about coconut oil is that it’s great for your skin ... when applied topically.” As for eating it, he told me “Never to almost never. If you’re going to have an occasional fat splurge I’d rather you eat butter.” Butter is typically 51% saturated fat, vs.

That post. What language is that?

By your command.

A friend of mine quit his fairly lucrative job in reality TV because of exactly this kind of shit.

Can’t wait to see what ladybugs think of Norwegian death metal!

Ah, the human mask comes off revealing the live rat-eating lizard beneath.

Seconded. I am so sick of this shit.