Sean Clancy

I encountered all my already-discovered worlds not long after launch too. I’m hoping they’re spawning new players relatively far away from one another. Should be easy enough, given that there are 15 quintillion planets in any given NMS galaxy.

I haven’t yet encountered any of these myself, but if you want an adrenaline burst apparently opening a “Whispering Egg” is just the way to get one. :)

I also enjoyed this redditor’s account of his adrenaline burst.

I’m sorry you have to deal with vision issues. I’m getting older myself and I guess I’m lucky that my glasses appear to be handling things all right for the time being. That said, I’m finding the font size on a lot of the new notifications to be pretty small myself.

I’d suggest filing a bug report with them and telling

Mayonnaise ice cream is not the most controversial ice cream flavor.

Miracle Whip ice cream is the most controversial ice cream flavor.

I grew up in New Orleans, and learned to fear, distrust and despise cops thanks to the NOPD starting when I was five years old. And I’m a middle-aged white guy.

You totally can. I don’t consider myself “a gamer” by any means but I got so immersed in this that I became an expert — everything I needed to do seemed second nature so that I could go one with exploring and missions, and just as that was beginning to get somewhat repetitive since the third version in drops this one

Just pay attention and be careful you don’t greet people in real life with “Grah!” or “Akush nana!” (IRL I have been known to see birds in the sky in my peripheral vision and immediately look up so that I can scan them.)

And if you start a farm you can also grow poop plants!

This is why I use Irish slang and Battlestar Galactica slang. They don’t filter for feck and frak and willy and langer and such. (Because sometimes I’m 12, apparently.)

Wow. You must have been in a pretty densely populated sector. It’s such a rarity for me.

I highly recommend that you do. Give it a couple of days though -- there are some bugs that they’re currently stomping, and although you can get the beta patch for PC now it’ll take a bit longer if you’re on a console.

Well ... you’re wrong, of course.

No indeed, it really isn’t. When I first started the game I spawned on a planet with hostile life forms, and was killed three times by multiple lobstrosities before figuring out how to defend myself. It’s how we learn.

Um, all you had to do was get back in your ship.

I want one of those too. In the meantime, there are fighter-class ships that look like a Colonial Viper.

Given how great the game is now and even was at the 1.3 update a year ago, I don’t see why people keep harping on this and just move the fuck on and play.

The NMS subreddit is full of people now saying “I trashed it at release and got a refund and I WAS WRONG and this is awesome.”

I have about 500 hours of play over all versions. Only once in hundreds of star systems have I ever come across a system or planet someone else had already discovered, and that was way back in the very beginning during 1.0 when we were all spawning at a very similar point in the galaxy.

There are 16 quintillion planets

I was about to gripe that it shows up as $129 for me but noticed that that’s for the WiFi version which I don’t need.  Still $109 for Bluetooth-only!

I was about to gripe that it shows up as $129 for me but noticed that that’s for the WiFi version which I don’t

This is bullshit.

I can’t even talk about F*refl* *nl*n* yet ... too soon.