Sean Clancy

I personally don’t give a fuck what anyone else eats, as long as they extend me the same courtesy. Y’all eat whatever you want, I don’t care. What I eat is no one else’s business but mine (and my doctor’s, I guess), just as what someone else eats is none of mine. That said, I’ve been called some variation of

“Guys, bring it into the shuttle bay! We can totally fix it up!”

More would be better. Especially if they are fantastic. (Steven Brust is a high bar, though.)

Seriously, the very worst part of my entire colonoscopy experience was the horrid artificial grape flavoring in the prep solution. Man, next time give me that shit unflavored and let me add some extract or something.

Here’s hoping that in a couple hundred years we don’t have an unfortunately Starfleet cadet getting into a head-on collision with it in his training craft.

It’s a test payload.

If only Douglas Adams were here to see it ... on the dash in large friendly letters!

I keep getting this impression that it’s bad to demean vegetarians but perfectly okay to demean meat-eaters.

You’ve been dealing with carnivore trolls for 19 years ... by being a vegetarian troll?

Yes, we live in a society of choices. You’ve made your choice, and I respect that. But that post made it clear that you don’t respect the choices of others.

Just don’t watch it. Seriously.

Which is easy enough to do, because I turn as much of that shit off as it’s possible to do. I unfollow “pages” and I hide ads, and I see plenty from family and friends. It just takes a modicum of effort and control.

Editors of io9, why do you continue to assign Star Trek: Discovery reviews to someone who clearly despises the show, has since the beginning, and is unable to be even remotely objective about it?

And in between those two drinks, and/or after them, have a bitters and soda. Tall glass, fizzy water, ice, and a few dashes of Angostura (or other*) bitters. It looks like a drink, it even tastes like a drink, but it’s not a drink (the amount of alcohol in a few dashes of bitters is negligible) ... and it’ll help

How about we all just STOP READING NEWS ON FUCKING FACEBOOK and use it to keep in touch with family and friends? Call me crazy ...

Now playing

Here is a better birthday song than that awful dirge.

Oh! Agent Dunham! Please forgive Mr. Burnt Foot ... he’s misplaced his jar of cow farts.

Thomas Keller’s technique of boiling them for just a minute or so just to loosen the meat from the shell, then extracting the meat and poaching it in melted butter resulted in the very best lobster I’ve ever had.

Theory: This is a Republican dirty trick designed to get black voters to stay home. Discuss.

How the fuck do you think anything filmed gets made anymore? Are you laboring under a delusion that it’s free?